Michelle #fundie nowtheendbegins.com
Pope says we must confront polarization and things that divide us – however, again unbiblical – as Jesus was clear, that we would be divided and that is normal.
The pope talks of hope and healing and peace and justice with no mention of Jesus Christ whatsoever (not a single time) even though He is the only answer.
Pope is a flagrant socialist: he said we must move forward as one – spirit of solidarity – generosity with the community and pool our resources and times and support each other respecting differences and convictions of conscience. The Bible says that there is no difference in the conscience – there is either right or wrong – there is no area for discussing what that is because God has laid it out for us.
Pope said various religious denominations built society and strengthened – today the voice of faith continue to be heard-voice of love. The Bible says that “God is love” and Jesus said “if you have seen Me you have seen The Father” – this means that the only true love is Jesus Christ – the pope never said His name once.
the pope said politics expresses oneness – greatest good – community that sacrifices interests to share goods, social life (socialism!)
referenced martin luther king (nothing about Jesus) and said his “dream” continues – he is happy that america continues to be a land of dreams which awaken what is best for the public. (this is irrelevant to one’s eternal salvation and destiny). The Bible says not to focus on the “things that are seen, but on what is unseen” (meaning eternity),
Pope said millions came here to pursue dream of future – we are not fearful of foreigners because most of us were once “foreigners” – in other words, we must accept illegal immigration.
Pope says we must reject mindset of hostility in all – adopt a mind of effort to share all (cough cough – socialism)
pope said seek the same things for others we seek for ourselves – help others (essentially carry them!) However, Jesus said if a man does not work, let him not eat! and Jesus said we will ALWAYS have the poor among us.
pope said if we want security let us give security; if we want life, let us give life, if we want opportunity let us provide opportunities – the yard stick we use for others will be the yardstick which is used for us – however, NO mention once of abortion. Not once.
spoke about human life at every stage (this was a part I started to actually get excited about and I thought he’d mention abortion) but the only thing he mentioned was that this conviction has led him to want abolition of the death penalty!! nothing on abortion but instead he said we must seek “rehabilitation” of criminals. Jesus never mentioned that society should do that – no one can be rehabilitated unless they are born again and unless Christ changes their life.
pope talked more about creation and redistribution of wealth – a/k/a socialism!
the pope said that the common good includes the earth and environment (as he flies around the world on his jet)
the pope said the environment is most important – calls for effort to redirect our steps and address the environment caused by humans – a standing ovation for the environment!? this world has gone mad – seriously.