This is unacceptable. No one can live on 15.00 an hour. The minimum wage should be set at 75.00 minimum though 100.00 is closer to a real living wage. Ya know what, now that I think about it, the basic necessities in life, food, shelter, internet, cell phones, video game consoles,and good booze are really expensive. 200.00 an hour should be the minimum just so people can scrape by. You monster! You expect people to have to work for the basic necessities of life like some kind of slave. Those things are basic human rights. (Sarcasm)
Nice try. Maybe be a little more subtle.
That said the min wage is too low due to the price things currently are. However raise the minimum too much and it raises the cost of everything dramatically. We don't want that.
"You expect people to have to work for the basic necessities of human life..."
Um...yes. Hence the idea of a wage, paid upon completion of I missing something? This isn't welfare, this is about being able to live off of the work you do...
A living wage is calculated based on the cheapest possible available living space, (even if such living spaces aren't actually available insomuch as they are all occupied,) a lowballed estimate of water and electricity costs, and a *very* modest grocery budget that assumes you shop at a mildly shady wholesaler for single ply toilet paper and meats that would otherwise be used as filler in dog food and hang around the Salvation Army to poach clothing donations before they're brought indoors.
It is called a living wage because it is literally the cost of keeping off the streets in a given locale. It's not some arbitrary number, you lice-infested cretin.
People can work full time and still have to skip meals. That is, in my opinion, criminal.
"You expect people to have to work for the basic necessities of life like some kind of slave. Those things are basic human rights."
Except that he/she actually does expect people to work for a living, since, you know, you're discussing a minimum wage , you retarded fucker. Seriously, you have the reading comprehension of a 7-year-old
Ya know what, now that I think about it, the basic necessities in life, food, shelter, internet, cell phones, video game consoles,and good booze are really expensive.
Last I knew, people can survive without internet, cell phones, video games, and booze.
*although I'm calling poe on the whole post*
I think it would be nice to live in a society that was so goddamned rich it could afford to provide all of its citizens the bare modicums of food and shelter. Luxuries like beer and internet? That's be something they'd have to work for.
But hey, something like that would only be possible if you lived in a first-world freedom-cherishing powerhouse of a natio--oh wait.
You know nothing of sarcasm.
When Dinsdale Piranha has finished nailing your head to the floor, then his brother Doug will teach you the finer points of dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and... satire.
...and how do you expect to pay for this fruit machine that costs £750,000?
Like the argument for gay marriage leading to child brides and animal spouses. If you have to exaggerate the topic beyond it's perimeters or reality then you don't actually have an argument at the base.
Yes I see the "(Sarcasm)". He's still is making the connection and we know there's RightWingers applauding it. It's not like Nugent and Palin haven't already expressed his statement without the hint of sarcasm implied and gotten standing ovations for it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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