If Jesus wasn't judgemental as liberals always contend, why did he produce the 10 commandments? Those commandments seem pretty judgemental to me. Thou Shalt not........
Okay, if you count Jesus and God as the same person, then fine.
Eh, honestly not that bad.
Jesus did not produce the 10 commandments, God did. Unless, of course, you suggest that they are one in the same, in which case, you are already presupposing too much of Christian lore to be unequivocably accurate for my tastes...
Jesus didn't...
Fuck you!
Okay, I'm now about 90% sure that this fellow is a troll just pretending to be a fundie for the lulz.
Still, there's that 10% possibility that he's totally serious.
Dang Poe.
~David D.G.
Dear Fundies,
I really don't expect you to learn math or science, to escape the religious delusions you live under or to ever develop a rational world view but, please, pretty please with sugar on top actually read you're fucking bible! You'll still be wrong of course, but you'll look less silly if you have some inkling of what the damn thing actually says.
Hint for the 10 Commandments check out the book called Deuteronomy.
If Jesus wasn't judgemental as liberals always contend, why did he produce the 10 commandments?
At least he didn't think it was Charlton Heston ...
Moses brought down the 10 commandments, dickweed.
Jesus was too busy eating with prostitutes and tax collectors (remember, the Roman occupation made tax collectors traitors).
Should I bother? Might as well, nothing better to do.
THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT!!!!! Jesus didn't write them you fuckwit.
Let's see...
Rush Limbaugh?
Jesus wrote 10 commandments?
Anybody else thinking poe?
Yeah, I'm thinking poe...
@funnyguts, tmr, allegory for jesus, xotan and others: my thoughts exactly. r_l_s_m (i couldnt be bothered typing the whole name...but i could be bothered typing the explanation as to that..go figure)...you're argument is non-existant. go read you own authorative text properly.
Let me just say that, according to Trinitarian theology, God and Jesus are in fact the same person. God wrote the ten commandments, so by extension Jesus did. I'll admit that this quote does not make sense if you do not know about the idea of a Triune God (or just think its stupid.) But this comment actually does make sense to those who believe in the Trinity.
Wasn't there a study some months ago, where it was found out that Atheists and Agnostics have MUCH better religious knowledge than the faithful?
I know a lot of religious persons who don't have the slightest clue what their religion is all about. They attend church, wear a crucifix, have a bible in the bookshelf, call themselves "Christian". But when asked basic questions what their Christianity is about, they don't know what to answer, or tell you some BS. I call these people "somehow-faithful".
For example, once I had to explain to my father that christianity is completely incompatible with reincarnation. He is a faithful churchgoer, and thought all the years that we will get reincarnated after death (yes, reincarnation like in hinduism or buddhism). An Atheist having to explain a Christian his own religion is a little bit absurd ...
No, Jesus only gave six commandments. And five of those were ones that had already been written supposedly by Moses. The commandments that Jesus listed are all secular humanist in nature (i.e. don't kill, don't steal, don't lie in court, don't cheat on your wife, respect your parents, and treat your neighbour as yourself).
Jeebus is a myth for idiots.
BTW fucktard, the two places where the so-called commandments occur predate the jeeeeeeeeeeeebus myth, they contradict one another, and there aren't ten.
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