[Sexism for Jesus!]
It is not sexist, it is reality. The man is to be the head of the household and the leader of his wife. The wife is to be a supporter for her husband and a help to him. This is the setting that works, and it is the one that has worked for centuries.
For centuries of widespread infant death, wars, famine and discrimination?, thanks for the info, man.
"It is not luddite, it is reality. The foot is to be the only means of travel. The voice is to be the only means of communication. This is the setting that works, and it is the one that has worked for centuries millenia."
(Of course, there's no rule that says all change is progress, but if the only changes you object to are those that mess with your 'three-tissue' fantasies, you're a 'tard.)
"This is the setting that works, and it is the one that has worked for centuries."
Only in the sense that your myth says it works.
"It is not racist, it is reality. The white man is to be the head of the household and the leader of his slaves. The slave is to be a supporter for his master and a help to him. This is the setting that worked, and it is the one that worked for centuries." [/sarcasm]
Same shit, different victim ...
This argument has Never made sense to me. Wouldn't it be ideal for both partners to help and support the other partner?
Oh, wait, it's fundies. It's not supposed to make sense. Silly me.
Oh, and, for good measure, this was in defense of the biblical statement that women must submit to the wills of their husbands.
"It is not sexist, it is reality."
Says who?
"The man is to be the head of the household and the leader of his wife. The wife is to be a supporter for her husband and a help to him."
Just because it's in the Bible?
"This is the setting that works,"
It may be ONE system that works for SOME people. It is not a system that works for me.
"and it is the one that has worked for centuries."
It has not been universally successful. You assertion that it is the only system which works is both arrogant and shows your ignorance.
Well, BelieveIt, if you ever leave your parents' basement, I hope you find yourself a good fundie wife, 'cause she's the only one who's going to buy this crap.
Good luck with that.
My great-grandfather was a wonderful carpenter and carver. He made beautiful furniture that contained no nails for his family, they would have been priceless family heirlooms by today.
When he died my great grandmother remarried, and the asshole destroyed all of it out of jealousy and spite.
He got away with it because of fucked up sexism like this.
@[b]Sacha: Thats a damn shame. I hope the bastard got a good nut-kicking for it.
@[b]Big Chicken Dinner: Why do you keep posting pictures of Sonic the Hedgehog? A little explanation occasionally would be nice.
Habeeb It! is back!
@hcl444: I think this is him trying to hide that he is a closet homosexual. This is all conjecture but from what I've read from lurking the boards Believe It! is
A: A raging homophobe
B: Obsessed with Haku, who is a very effeminate but still very male character. But since he doesn't want to come off as being attracted to a male character he claims that Haku is really a girl, pretending to be a boy, pretending to be a girl. Sure.
This leads me to believe Believe It! is basically the Naruto Forum's version of Ted Haggard, a raging homophobic conservative throwback who is really gay. Of course I could be dead wrong.
Osiris: I'm getting that same feeling.
I mentioned to him once that the writers have called Haku a boy, and his reaction was to pretend I never posted.
I'd bet his harddrive is full of yaoi hentai.
Textbook argument from tradition. aka pile of backwards, retarded fail.
Also, Invisible Sky Magician, wtf is that image? It is made of lol.
Hit me clown. wrote:
"He probably still thinks an eclipse is a portent of doom."
It must be. The Bible says that the Earth is flat, and that the moon shines by its own light (rather than reflected sunlight). Therefore, the "mainstream" (i.e. Satan-inspired) theory that a lunar eclipse is the Earth's shadow on the moon must be false.
And clearly, the only other explanation for a lunar eclipse is that God is putting His hand over the moon, blotting it out.
For centuries?, 20 centuries, at best, are nothing compared with the age of humankind. Argumentum ad populum has this serious problem
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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