Zapp, progressivism’s goal is the break-up of the traditional family, as so eloquently stated in Karl Marx’s Manifesto. To deny that mid-20th century Hollywood morphed into the cultural bastion of progressivism, is to forfeit any credibility that one might have left. To deny that Hollywood has a major impact on our culture, makes one an imbecile.
That’s the point; not that Christians can be imperfect, too. Progressivism also gave us the welfare state, the most significant blow to the traditional family. It made government the daddy— and it has been most destructive to the black family. Progressivism is a destroyer.
What is it with fundies and this Savior complex they have with Black people. And mind you, not real problems in the black community. Huge prison population? It's that rap music! Institutionalized poverty? Get a Job, freeloaders! Cops killing black kids? Well, that's what happens when affirmative action teaches them not to respect the law. But *gasp* Black babies being aborted! We're coming, little lost angels! Let us save you.
Oh, FFS! "Hollywood" barely exists anymore; the studio system is gone. Movies are made all over the world, by all sorts of people. You're not seeing your kind of movie because patrons don't spend $10 a ticket to be preached at.
It's been a while since I read the Communist Manifesto, but I'm pretty sure Marx didn't say anything about "destroying the family", although he very well might have accused capitalism of doing that.
Eh, the major studios do still exist and are quite powerful within Hollywood. Where the "culture warriors" get it wrong, though, is in asserting that they preach liberal values through their films. Independent filmmakers might, but there's no real barrier against Christians becoming independent filmmakers. Major studios will only support progressive causes when those causes become popular enough that they don't need Hollywood support. And major studios will also promote the American military all the way to the bank.
Marx was referring to the bourgeois concept of family.
From "The Principles of Communism."
"What will be the influence of communist society on the family?
It will transform the relations between the sexes into a purely private matter which concerns only the persons involved and into which society has no occasion to intervene."
"Hurr durr! Everything even slightly to the left of Reactionary is all the same, and they only want the complete destruction of society as we I think I know it, and these evil non-Reactionaries are everywhere and a part of everything, because I'm a scared, totally ignorant little shit."
Welfare, as administered and run in the US is indeed a destroyer of families precisely because of strings that conservatives insisted on attaching to the financial aid. To whit: unemployed husband can't live with wife and children is she is to receive any support to prevent starvation.
First piss in the corn flakes, then complain loudly and incessantly about the piss in the corn flakes.
Classic Rethug strategery.
>Progressivism also gave us the welfare state,
Actually it was the Protestant reformation that gave birth to the idea.
Though the modern welfare state was invented by a reactionary chancellor of the German Empire some time before 1900... I doubt these fuckers even know.
The goal was to keep workers in line and cement the supreme authority of the state. "Family values" as we call them today were another cornerstone, as was the comical adulation of anything in uniform.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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