I urge you in the strongest terms to learn something about what you are talking about.
A Human blastocyst (Embryo at the stage necessary for stem cell harvesting) has approximatley 150 cells in it. This is less cells than a piece of snot picked from someones nose - which incidentally, thanks to modern genetics, can also become a human being if grown in the laboratory - or less cells than a fly's brain.
There are millions of people suffering needlessly in the world right now due to congenital defects, nerve damage, paralysis, kidney, liver and heart damage etc etc. 'Pro-lifers' are more concerned with a collection of 150 cells than they are with actual, real-life human beings, who are in pain and suffering as I write this.
Fuck the chance we have to heal these people, fuck the research we could do with stem cells into curing some of the nastiest of human defects and conditions, this blastocyst 'might' become and human being and you'll be damned if your about to let someone 'murder' this collection of cells in the name of helping countless, living, suffering human beings.
Again, 50% of pregnancies are terminated naturally - by God if you believe in the twat - and 20% of the other 50% end in mis-carriage. The fact that scientists can use frozen sperm and eggs to make an almost endless supply to blastocysts for stem cell harvesting is pure and simple murder in your eyes; and that makes you, at least in my eyes, immoral, ignorant, retarded and evil; you support suffering of living, humans.
An embryo has no nerves, no brain, no form representing a human being, it does not, cannot, suffer in anyway and it holds the greatest potential for human beings because the cells can potentially become any cell in the human body. You arseholes are 'pro-death', you sit idly by and watch as millions of people suffer and die as you stick to your uninformed opinions as to what an embryo - something I doubt you actually know anything about in terms of simple biology - can or can't 'experience'.
I don't require God nor his 'absolute' moral standards to know that you are an immoral, evil, fundamentalist dickhead who deserves to be in a wheel chair begging God to allow scientists to find you a cure.