"I will not read anything written by an athiest,"
Which begs the question: how do you know?
"I will read anything that is informative of current events, politics, etc, that is not slanted or biased either way."
Unless it was written by an atheist. Which you don't know for sure if it was or wasn't.
"As a Christian I do read the Bible, of course,"
Bullshit. I've yet to meet a Christian that knows anything other than a handful of stock verses.
"and lots of Christian reading material but I can also tell you what celebrity made a fool of themselves or discuss any current event. I don't live in a bubble, but I am definitely not OF this world."
Really? Which world are you "of"? I swear this "not of the world" bullshit is one of the dumber things Christianity has come up with. Ranks up there with the Trinity if you ask me.
"I would be glad to read anything written by a former atheist, who now lives for God."
Flew wrote some stuff. Doubt you could follow it though. Other than him it's probably a really short reading list.
"It's not that I think they are all "evil" or something, but as Christians we cannot participate in things that go specifically and directly against God."
You mean you don't want a conflicting viewpoint that might make you question things just a wee bit too much and maybe push you over that knife edge your dancing on.
"It hurts God, and it hurts and can hurt and confuse us."
Your god is supposedly an eternal, omnipotent and supreme ruler and creator of all that exists. There is nothing that anyone could say, write or do to hurt such a being unless your god is incredibly petty and more than a little pathetic.
Christians, on the other hand, should get some of that thar book learnin' if such things "confuse" them.