"Well my baby boy has been difficult to potty-train. He is past the age that he should be trained and I was getting really tired of it. I would sit him in the toilet for a long time and nothing would happen. When I would put him back in diapers, he would go! And I was sick and tired of it. So I got really mad, sat him in the potty and told him he had to "go". The baby started screaming and I got the idea that it was a demon. So I commanded it to manifest and give me his name. The baby continued screaming and saying: "You can't make me, you can't make me". I insisted in the demon telling me his name, so the Holy Spirit said: "That's his name, "you can't make me". I commanded it out. The baby had deliverance and he has been potty-trained since."
You're one fucked up piece of shit. What is wrong with your brain, not only for you to put your kid through that, but to think it was a good idea to have a kid in the first place? Further more, do you seriously think the holy spirit talked to you and there's a demon called "you can't make me?" If I wasn't so disgusted by you, I'd laugh.
You know this kid is going to have bathroom 'issues' later on.
I can already picture his personal ad years from now. "SWM looking for nice CHRISTIAN girl, age 16-18. Must be into golden showers, cleveland steamers, and praising Jesus!"
The reference to your son as 'The Baby' makes it all the more obvious that you have more love for yourself and the fucked up religion you've been brainwashed with than your child and hence, as far as im concerned have no right to have a child.
What you did to him, though, means that you should have no right to live.
One day, I hope that this will be realised and that you suffer terribly before the end.
The baby started screaming and I got the idea that it was a demon.
Yeah, I'm sure it was a demon. It couldn't possibly have been that you were angry, and probably shouting, and this frightened him. If you do this every time there's a problem, the kid is likely to be really messed up as he grows, and that's sick.
I can already picture his personal ad years from now. "SWM looking for nice CHRISTIAN girl, age 16-18. Must be into golden showers, Cleveland steamers, and praising Jesus!" That's just too true.
Just had a quick look on that demonbuster website and accoridng to them all the ills of the world are caused by demons. So, come on everyone, let's get down to demonbuster, get all our demons cast out and hey, the world will turn into the Garden of Eden once more (or not.)
Man can you imagine the meeting in hell to assign that demon:
Head Demon: Alright people listen up. Now I know this isn't anyone's favorite position, but it's that time again to assign the demon who'll make little human kids to shit themselves. So let's see here, who fucked up the most last year...oh yes, Shithead, it's your turn.
Shithead: But I don't want to!
Head Demon: You'll do it or I'll bust you down to making toilets back up!
This site is a car crash.
"BOYCE and BOICE are two demons that interfere with any electronic equipment, i.e., phone, computer, printer, automobile. If something malfunctions, command these two demons to leave your equipment, in the name of Jesus."
Can't wait to see how she copes with the all the demons of the teenage years. Has anyone seen the movie Carrie , or read the book? It's about a girl who lives with her fundie mother, who believes nakedness is evil, breasts ("dirty pillows") are a consequence of Sin... it's a scary read.
All in favour of making it necessary to have get license to have kids?
<raises both hands>
Has anyone seen the movie Carrie, or read the book?
Yeah, Carrie's mum was fricking nuts. She locked Carrie in a closet whenever she was bad and was convinced that puberty = sin. Here's hoping this kid ((actually doesn't exist)) has the TK gene and can fight back when his mum tries to kill him for growing up.
All in favour of making it necessary to have get license to have kids?
*dons Shiva costume* *raises all four hands*
I wish someone could call CPS on her.
All in favour of making it necessary to have get license to have kids?
*raises hand. Both, for that matter.* That woman is seriously messed up. Hat poor child is in for a horrid life.
And I was also thinking of Carrie when I read this. In five years, she'll be locking him in the basement to pray. Ten years later, he'll be so messed up he'll blow up his school. You'll see...
Talk about your crap demon Jobs.
I mean think about it there you are sitting at the bar with your demon buddies and they got cool jobs like lust, drugs, sex ect...
They ask you .. Hey Demon buddy whats your job...?
The long akward pause followed by a shameful dipping of the head and then you say..
i make it so babies cant shit...
then you get hazed by the other demons...
WWow that is a sucky demon job...
Not sure whether I want to give this information out freely since it's kind of embarrassing, but what the hell...
When I was four, I would have given my right arm to have my demon exorcised when I'd been told to shit and tried so hard I ended up bleeding out of my arse.
Instead I got hit so hard I literally flew across the bathroom.
This seems pretty tame in comparison.
And yes, I did have issues later, pretty much being scared of going to the toilet until I was about 13.
Now that you meantion it Carrie is appropriate, but after reading the post and seeing the post an seeing/hearing the site it came from my thoughts were more in the direction of the X-Files. One of those episodes in the little creepy hick town etc. that music on the site especially did it for me... now to make peace with my demons: Black Sabbath time!
And also, man that poor kid, I too support the idea of a kid license.
Cuckoo... Cuckoo... Cuckoo...
There is NO WAY that lunatics like this should be permitted to have children in their care. This is a plain example of a parent who has severe emotional problems. All children should be removed from the house immediately, and taken somewhere they will be safe from this frothing psycho.
to the person who got knocked across the bathroom: that's terrible, i feel bad for you.
the trouble is that this has a sinister edge to it which (i think) leads most of us to suspect that the mother is actually... ill, really. And in a twisted way.
I don't know what else went on in your home, but having a momma who can think you are posessed by demons is dangerous. This isn't someone who has lost their temper because they were stressed or drunk or something.
I feel terrible writing this too because I have a kid and I have had psychotic breakdowns, but what the hey.
If child srevices knew, there would be trouble...
Ford pills - exorcising demons since 1924...
(Yes I pulled that figure out my ass - hey, it's a date)
I normally like to just sit back and laugh at this thing, but this is really just horrible.
Do you truly believe that your baby was possessed because he didn't want to pee? If that is true, then millions of babies must be possessed and we have a DEMONIC BABY EPIDEMIC! We need to take action and command the "you can't make me" demon out!
...I am speechless. People this asinine should not be allowed to procreate, if only to spare us all from another generation of stupidity.
"All in favour of making it necessary to get a license to have kids?"
*raises both forepaws*
I mean really........
Just WTF..........
I mean when someone says their childs been acting like a little devil they don't mean it.
when your child becomes a teenager you'll be saying that its possessed by a demon called "thats so unfair, I hate you"
just what?????????????
What she says is totally true - infantalists, adult babies and diaper fetishists are repossessed by the Greater Daemon Yukhandmahkme at a later age and regain the great, God-defying power of pissing themselves, with which they shall surely conquer Christ's Earth with the Diaper Rash of Ultimate Discomfort.
"All in favour of making it necessary to get a license to have kids?"
At this rate, I'll be begging for that to happen! Some people just shouldn't be parents.
"You can't make me" is a demon's name?
You'd be amazed how often fundies pull that one. Many of them seem to have the strange, pseudo-Platonic notion that abstract concepts must always exist via some physical avatar. Amusingly, this often means these self-proclaimed monotheists just end up reinventing the multitudinous animistic deities of polytheism under a different name, i.e. demons. To them, it's ludicrous to have separate gods of war, wisdom, fertility, etc, but to have demons who fill that exact same role is just fine.
I wonder if they actually have some disorder such that they simply can't distinguish between the synthesis of the world within their own heads, and the real world as they experience it through sense organs, which would explain their apparent conviction that anything that exists in the former, including abstract ideas such as justice and rights or whatever, must also exist, in a physically sensible way, in the latter. This is probably the fallacious basis from which magical thought stems.
Or maybe there's just something about using a collection of syllables in a bizarre way which they were never intended to be, and makes everyone else give them funny looks, that makes religious kooks feel really clever, like they've worked out some kind of secret code.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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