Matt Barber #fundie
[From an article titled "Muslim Go BOOM!"]
"Moderate Muslim" is a contradiction in terms. It is intrinsically oxymoronic. Whereas "moderate" (read: liberal) "Christians," such as those belonging to the PCUSA, embrace certain apostasies that run directly counter to the biblical teachings of Christianity (which is the true "religion of peace"), "moderate Muslims," likewise, embrace an apostate version of Islam that runs directly counter to the clear teachings of the Quran.
Whereas devout followers of Jesus Christ, who is God incarnate, are characteristically peaceful; devout followers of that child-raping, woman-beheading "prophet" Muhammad, who was demon incarnate, are characteristically violent.
Which brings us to ISIS - Head-chopping, man-sodomizing, child-torturing, Jew-killing, Christian-sawing, woman-enslaving ISIS. The Islamic State is not the exception to the rule; the Islamic state is the rule. ISIS is Islam and Islam is ISIS.
While there are exceptions, the left is overwhelmingly anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and pro-Muslim. Liberals and Islamists, such as those belonging to the American-Islamic terrorist group CAIR, as well as Obama's pals in the Muslim Brotherhood, have forged a bizarre and notably incongruous sociopolitical partnership I call the "Islamo-'progressive' axis of evil." The only explanation for this, as far as I can tell, is best illustrated by the maxim: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
The common enemy to both the Muslim and the "progressive" is truth.
The common enemy is Christ.