Strange, after the first six words the rest turned into wharrgarrblllarggharrgl...
Well let's see we do know a few things about possessing power, and there is a very famous saying which states that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Now, my point is; we take the idea that there is a god and that he/she/it is an omnipotent entity. You do know what omnipotent means right?
Anyway, we have one omnipotent entity - a being with absolute power. Do we then have any reason to trust said being, to love it, cherish it or worship it? If power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, then surely it follows that any ominpotent entity - being the most powerful being in existence - would also be the most corrupt being in existence. Therefore we have no reason to assume this entity cares about us or even notices us. It will be far too busy smiting emergent civilizations, laying waste to entire star systems, extinguishing stars and starting black holes.
Why would I make such assumptions? Easy. Intelligence is intelligence, and while we only have the human mind to model our understanding of intelligence by, it is a fair assumption that thought processes function in much the same way across reality. We observe and deduse from our observations. Obviously our methods of logic might differ, but the way we collect information from the natural world would be the same. Now, as we know this we also understand how more powerful beings relate to those inferior to themselves: a) slavery or b) genocide.
Therefore I posit the following: if god exists he has forgotten about us, which is a good thing because if he ever notices us again, we might disappear from the universe altogether.
Anyway, all these points are moot for one simple reason: There is no god(s), and any idea of a god/gods are merely spawned from the minds of uninformed humans trying to make sense of the universe around them.
Oh, and there are surely going to be life elsewhere in the universe - it all boils down to (as QSX stated) mathematical probability, and the odds are very much in favour of this statement.
Wake up Doma, read a book - read several books, and study the world and the universe around you. Eventually you will see the beauty and the elegance of it all as explained by science. (Or, of course, you might be dumb as a post and has no real chance of understanding any of this, in which case you should never breed).