Neutral-Death #fundie
Snopes? Really!? You lost any and all credibility when you brought up that joke. It's run out of the basement of a Liberal family's home, and they don't even have the qualifications to be reporters for the tabloids! Face-fact is, they work for George Soros, one of the largest US political donors, and he donates exclusively to the Democrat party, the party of treason. They may be good for celebrity gossip, but not much else. They have a thick track record of being insanely biased, often reporting blatant, obvious lies to save face for Barry Soetero (Barrack Obama) and Hillary Clinton. I hate fact-checkers. "That mathematically-proven statistic you've just shown me is deemed false by Snopes." What, is the crazy hobo down the street too occupied to be a better source? If I may be so blunt, you are better off with MSNBC, and that's saying something.
Oh, goody. Another Liberal site with obvious biases. I've noticed a good number of sites labeled as 'fact-checkers' do more manu-fact-uring than actual fact-checking, meaning they like to manipulate the truth for their own gains. This includes, but is not limited to, Snopes, MSNBC, and politifact.
It's funny because Snopes and Politifact are also accused of being right wing propaganda funded by megacorps.]
Meanwhile, those of us with actual common sense see them as nothing more than incompetent tools. The Koch Bros. They identify as Libertarian, constantly berated for funding the Republican Party (although they give donations across the board), but are the 59th largest political donor. All the ones above them donate exclusively to Democrats, and over 50 are unions. I had never heard of any of those sites, don't care to look at them, don't care for them. I prefer to get my news from actually reputable sites like BreitBart.
Try doing a little reading