When my husband accidentally kicks me when we are both asleep, I can definitely feel it, and I do care after I wake up from the pain.
No, it would not be OK to assassinate someone with sentience and self-awareness, regardless of what that person is doing. My worldview is "don't harm others nor infringe on their human rights". Where's the lack of morality in that?
I instinctively what? No, people don't really have more value than plants or animals, but we are more self-aware than plants or animals. In the image of which god are we made? Ganesh?
That principle was not invented by Jesus, it can be found in older myths; it's a basic principle of civilization and yes, human evolution as well. As we are rather weak social animals, we need to cooperate to survive in Nature. People tend to not want to cooperate with people who behave like egocentric, egoistic assholes.
Evolution is not a worldview; it's the basis for Biology.
Edit. I think I just had an tiny epiphany. Others have probably had the same one before me, though, so I claim no originality.
As these dolts need a god to tell them what to do and what not to do, they can't even fathom how we could ever know what to do and not to do when we have no god to tell us. Ergo, we must be completely without morality. They can't see that it's the other way around, we have internal morality, we don't need some god to tell us it's bad to kill people, as we would not want to be killed ourselves. (Particularly when that god tells his people again and again and again to kill, kill, kill.)