Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy

In 1960, Richard Nixon was supposed to be elected the 35th President of the United States. Nixon was Vice President under President Eisenhower for 8 years and served his long apprenticeship very, very well. The country prospered greatly during the Eisenhower Administration and Nixon would have continued the peaceful policies of his predecessor. Nixon was not an ambitious or power hungry man as he did not try to replace his boss at any time during his Presidency.

The 2 Republican candidates on the same ticket were Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. The 2 Democrats were John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. It was definitely not one man one vote, even though the U.S. Constitution calls for separate votes for President and Vice President:

The PERSON having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President. The PERSON having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President. (Twelfth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution).

The Amendment calling for separate votes for President and Vice President in the Electoral College was ratified on September 25, 1804. To get around the provisions of that Amendment, political parties were born, and the President and Vice President were placed on the same ballot. Under that system, there was no way of knowing which candidate received the most popular votes.

2 men of such dissimilar backgrounds as Johnson and Kennedy could not have been found in any country.

Kennedy was the playboy son of a multimillionaire from Massachusetts and Johnson was a Confederate from Texas.

Johnson's exemplars were Juan Perón of Argentina, Fidel Castro of Cuba, and François "Papa Doc" Duvalier—military dictator and President for Life of the "Republic" of Haiti.

If Kennedy and Johnson were on separate tickets, only Texans would vote for Johnson, so how could he become Vice President of the entire country? The position of Vice President is just a doorway for an "ambitious man" to replace the President without an election. Nelson Rockefeller used that position to almost steal the Presidency in 1974.

Women voted for Kennedy because he looked better than Nixon on TV!!

The famous Nixon-Kennedy debates on TV were the first of a kind in a Presidential race. As far as looks were concerned, Nixon could not compete with Kennedy As far as brains and diplomatic experience was concerned, it was no contest.

The Nixon-Kennedy debates took place in October 1960.

Vice President Nixon was just recovering from a very serious "accident" and looked disheveled on TV.

On the other hand, Kennedy was telegenic, and looked much more relaxed and confident.

Altogether, there were 4 debates watched by over 70 million people. Little did the women voters realize that Kennedy in the White House almost meant the last time they would ever vote in a Presidential election.

In another bizarre turn of events, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested for driving without a license and given 4 months hard labor prison time. Martin Luther King Jr., was named after Saint Martin Luther. Can you imagine a Jesuit priest helping Saint Martin Luther to get out of prison?

On Oct. 25, Martin Luther King Jr. was sentenced to 4 months hard labor in prison for driving without a license!!

A phone called from Senator Kennedy secured his release just 2 days later.

Before that time, most blacks were going to vote for Republican Richard Nixon. After that "incident," they switched to Kennedy!!

King returned home in triumph after his release from prison. Here is a quote from a biography of King:

The motorcade started up again and bore King to Ebenezer Church, where eight hundred people greeted him with songs and prayers. " I am deeply indebted to Senator Kennedy, who served as a great force in making my release possible," King had told reporters. "It took a lot of courage for Senator Kennedy to do this, especially in Georgia. For him to be that courageous shows that he is really acting upon principle and not upon expediency." He informed his people that "I never intend to reject a man running for President of the United States just because he is a Catholic—a reference to his father, who opposed Kennedy strictly on religious grounds. (Oates, Let the Trumpet Sound, p. 165).

The Republican Party was the party of President Lincoln. The Democrats were pro-slavery during the Civil War. Most blacks were definitely pro-Nixon before the providential arrest of Martin Luther King Jr.

Little did the people realize that King was a dyed-in-the-wool Jesuit, and the whole arrest and release was just contrived to help Kennedy reach the White House. The election of 1960 was one of the most corrupt to ever take place in the United States. To this day, nobody really knows who really won the most critical election in the country's history.

President Kennedy made a lightning visit to ex-boss Macmillan in June 1963!!

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, British prime minister Harold Macmillan played the music, while Kennedy turned the sheets. The Crisis almost led to the extinction of the entire human race from radiation poisoning. President Kennedy was very, very upset with Macmillan over the Penkovsky affair, and that big betrayal definitely ended their "special relationship."

President Kennedy began to see that the Russians were more to the trusted than "Uncle Harold," so he proposed a treaty banning nuclear testing in the atmosphere, outer space, and under water. That treaty, called the Partial Test Ban Treaty, formally went into effect in October 1963. Hiring Robert McNamara as defense secretary, and the ban on nuclear testing, were the only 2 good ideas to come out of the entire Kennedy Administration.

In June 1963, President Kennedy made his last trip to Europe. He visited Berlin and then Ireland. After a lightning visit to Macmillan's country estate, he left for Italy and then returned home. Jackie was not with him on that tour and that is why he returned alive!!

On June 29, 1963, President Kennedy made a lightning visit to Birch Grove, the country mansion of Harold Macmillan.

He arrived via helicopter on Saturday evening and was gone by Sunday afternoon.

Kennedy was definitely disgusted with his ex-boss and it showed by the brevity of his visit.

That very brief visit was the last time that Macmillan and Kennedy met. What Kennedy never knew was that the prime minister was still a very dangerous man because he had a secret agent in the very White House.

Prime Minister Macmillan suddenly became sick just before Kennedy's assassination!!

Just before the Kennedy assassination, a lot of things were happening in the life of Prime Minister Macmillan. His doctor suddenly diagnosed him with "prostate cancer" and advised him to enter the hospital for an operation. The prime minister gladly complied with his doctor's advice.

On October 10, 1963, "Supermac" suddenly entered King Edward VII Hospital for a "prostate" operation.

Lilibet visited him in the hospital, and Macmillan told the queen that he wanted his close friend and fellow conspirator, Sir Alex Douglas-Home, to succeed him.

Douglas-Home was given the unpleasant task of attending the President's funeral in Washington City.

Amazingly, Harold recuperated from his "illness" very well, and "Supermac" was never sick again until he went to meet his Maker in 1986. Before the Lincoln assassination, the British ambassador to Washington City suddenly became ill and had to return home.

The Warren Commission said that 3 shots were fired at the President!!

The Warren Commission got it right when it said that 3 shots were fired at the President . . . but they didn't come from "Lee Harvey Oswald."

As the limousine entered Dealey Plaza, Secret Service driver William Greer slowed down almost to a crawl.

Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman turned around and shot the President in the throat.

That shot literally severed his spinal cord and he slumped over to the left. Then Jackie shot him behind his left ear.

After the 2 shots were fired, Jackie leaped on to the back of the limousine, and that was the signal for Clint Hill to join her in the back seat.

Thanks to her panther eyes, the "Pink Panther's" peripheral vision was extraordinary!!

After the pistol shot to her husband's head, she leaped out of her seat on to the back of the limousine.

That was the signal for SS agent Clint Hill to join her in the back.

The 3rd shot, or shots, came from Clint Hill's .38 revolver in the tunnel.

The plot required the President to be dead instantly. With one or 2 shots from Clint Hill's .38 caliber revolver, President Kennedy was definitely dead when he arrived at Parkland Hospital. The trauma doctors did go through the motions of trying to revive him . . . but it was hopeless....Unlike President Lincoln, he did not survive another 9 hours.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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