The direction of our view-backward or forward-determines our
behavior. If , as the evolution religion teaches, they only look
backward to an ape-like ancestor, they will behave like apes. This is
more than apparent by watching and reading the daily news for such
behavior is paramount today. [...]
Evolution religion cannot provide answers to these important
questions. The only information that this religion can provide is
that you are an unimportant animal who has journeyed from a slime
pool to a meaningless existence in an naked ape body that will die and
recycle to slime again. From the goo to you by way of the zoo is the
only mantra that is allowable to this sad and miserable religion.
The direction of our view -- up or down -- determines our behavior. If, as the gravitation religion teaches, they only look down towards the center of a body of mass, they will remain rooted to the ground. This is more than apparent by watching and reading the daily news, for such behavior is paramount today (plane crashes, building collapses, bombs falling, etc.)
Gravitation religion cannot provide answers to these important questions. The only information that this religion can provide is that you are bound by the physical laws of the universe and can never ascend to new heights because you are required to hold fast to the ground. What goes up must come down is the only mantra that is allowable to this sad and miserable religion.
^ Makes about as much sense.
For the last time:
Science = DESCRIPTIVE. Merely gives information about the function of something but makes no suggestion of a course of action
Immorality, corruption, war, etc. has been around for as long as civilization. Just today in Art History my class looked at some of the erotic, scandalous undertones of Rococo art, well before evolutionary theory. Nothing has changed except for the fact that there's just more humans running around.
A) Evolution is not a religion
B)Evolutionary theory does not have anything to do with morality, it DESCRIBES facts, it does not suggest how we should behave.
C) The meaning of life is what you want it to be. If you want meaning, you have to find it yourself. Or in your case, let somebody else hand it to you on a silver platter.
Evolution is not a religion. It´s the prosaic explanation of what things really are, that we´re not special in any way in the natural world. And what the fuck?, if I die, at least I would have lived a plenty life with the people I really loved and profited. Who cares what comes afterwards?
you think that evolution is a stupid "religion" then lets look at some common christian beliefs:
1. you believe that whites are the superiour race, even though your messiah was semitic
2. you think that the entire world is controlled by a divine entity who loves all people, and still believe it even considering the state of the world
3. you think that eating a wafer and drinking wine is consuming the flesh and blood of your messiah, and that consuming your messiah will make him and his father love you
4. you claim that christianity is a "peaceful" religion, and yet it is the cause for almost all of the wars in the world
5. you seem to think that if we were created rather than if we evolved, that somehow adds a magical purpose to our existance
i think ive made my point clear
Actually, most people who accept evolution probably look forward, to how much better man might become (we might finally get rid of that damn instinctive brutality and viciousness, for example). It's a little thing called extrapolation.
So called "big" questions become that way because they are unanswerable, or have subjective answers. Evolution is science, therefore it only attempts to answer questions with real, objective answers.
Evolution explains only that, in a very far away past, there was a common ancestor to monkeys and us, not that we have to be monkeys.
So, you don't look backwards to a musty old book of myths, written by desert-dwelling goat herders?
Evolution is Biology, not religion, stupid.
What questions is evolution supposed to answer? It describes the process for diversity and adaptation of living organisms, through random mutations and natural selection. Each and every species IS important, as it's part of an almost infinite net of dependence to almost every other species on Earth, some way or the other. The recycling is meaningful, as we provide nutrition to other living things.
But what if we don't set aside a day a week to worship Darwin? What if it isn't a religion?
Evolution is merely a statement of historical FACT. Without it, nothing in biology makes sense.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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