As the son of a man who suffered from debilitating epileptic Grand Mal seizures for years as the result of a traumatic head injury incurred while serving as aircrew in the postwar RCAF - a man who also died in my arms while I tried to revive him following what turned out to be a combination seizure/heart attack - I can assure all the thinking, sane, intelligent people here at FTSDT that Ruukah's claims are utter bullshit. Ruukah is a mendacious, christofascist pig who wouldn't know truth if it came up to her, shook her filthy hand, said "Hello, I'm Truth", and the proceeded to chow down on her ignorant, lying ass.
I don't hate Jesus. There's no clear, unambiguous evidence that Jesus ever existed so it's therefore impossible for me to hate that which doesn't exist. What I hate are delusional, scummy, self-righteous fucktards who treat the ill or disabled with such "christ-like" compassion.
As for his claims that "It's in all the medical journals" the bible doesn't count, you rediculous twat.
PS. Don't count people despising you as being "persecuted for righteousness sake"; people despise you because you're an arrogant, selfish, hateful, ignorant, self-righteous cunt that represents all that's rotten, loathsome, despicable and barbaric about "modern" fundamentalist Christianity. You claim in your charming little journal "not to expect to be treated like a human being"; well, that's your choice, bitch and I and others like me here who are fed up with giving you self-important godweenies a pass are more than happy to dish it out, you fascist putz...