[After a Christian asked people to pray for his father]
Because if your prayer is granted, who will you attribute it to? Where will you go to thank him? Probably not Jehovah or to a Kingdom hall.
If the person making this post is a Jehovah Witness, then it's pretty much par for the course for them. I knew some JW's when growing up and they couldn't participate in anything religious that wasn't part of their religion. So praying for someone who's not a JW is probably out of the question for them.
Even as an atheist, if someone asks me to pray for a love one, I'll promise to keep them in my thoughts, and keep that promise. People going through difficult times need support, not your holier-than-thou crap.
Prayers don't change the outcome of what's happening to you, they just give you the strength to cope with it. So you thank the people who prayed for you, and you don't need to go to any damn Kingdom hall to do it, either.
An ivory tower can be a very lonely place, asshole.
"Oh, the protestants hate the Catholics,
And the Catholics hate the protestants,
And the Hindus hate the muslims,
And everybody hates the jews!"
-- Tom Lehrer, "National Brotherhood Week"
Wow, that was just the beginning of that thread. This jerk just keeps getting more and more arrogant. He appears to have alienated everyone on that board, yet somehow still believes he can convert them all to JW. It would be hilarious i it wasn't in a thread about someone's ailing dad.
Seems my instincts were right about the Jehovah's Witnesses who knock my door. Particularly repellent fundamental cultists.
Read through a few of the posts at the GameFAQs Religion Board including OrangeWizard's lame attempts to justify his wanton nastiness. But it's all bullshit since all he had to do was keep his mouth shut in the first place. An obnoxious nerd advertising his obnoxious cult by giving it bad press?
LDM: Even as an atheist, if someone asks me to pray for a love one, I'll promise to keep them in my thoughts, and keep that promise. People going through difficult times need support, not your holier-than-thou crap.
Damn right. It doesn't hurt to think of someone who's going through a rough time and to hope for the best.
We don't get JW visitors here (Mormons, on the other paw...) but if any of you are still having trouble, somebody on the forums suggested offering them a religious pamphlet of your own in exchange. Even if it's about Pastafarianism, it'll get rid of them immediately and likely for good. It's against their cult's rules to accept soliciting from any other religion.
The hypocrisy is painful, but that's par for the course when it comes to religion x_X
Ugh. I hope it's a troll...
@Orestes: Not everyone who uses GameFAQs is an elitist, especially since only a small number of them use the forums (I never do, because of posts like the one above).
Second of all, using the word "faggot" as an insult ranks pretty high on the jackass-o-meter. Since many of us FSTDTers are LGBT, maybe you should knock it off.
And what is a JW doing on a game site? And calling himself a wizard?
Then again, I've yet to meet a honest JW yet. I think it has to do with feeling that since they can't make the 144,000 what the hells the use.
As for getting rid of them, if your female use this:
According to your religion, I'm supposed to obey my husband? Well he doesn't want me to talk to you.
Other than that, Rottweilers seem to work, they just sneak up and leave things in the mailbox. Very stealthy, the dogs don't even hear them.
What is he saying, here? That only JWs are "true Christians"? -- WMDKitty
Yes, that's precisely what he's saying. My best friend was raised in the JW's, and they do believe that they are the only "accurate" version of Christianity on the planet.
I like how none of you actually refuted, or even acknowledged the reason why.
Except Dan.
But anyway: Of course we believe we're the only ones that are right. Why would you believe in something if you think it could be wrong?
Well, at least you're honest. Prayer is pointless, after all. Because:
Nothing FAILS like prayer.
And as you refuse blood transfusions, and are 'disfellowshipped' for saying one word of criticism or questioning the doctrine of JW - which is classic cult behaviour - why should I, a blood-donating (and have had a transfusion in my lifetime), self-thinking and cynical Atheist - have anything to do with the Jehovah's Witnesses?
I'd rather go to a Unitarian Universalist church, frankly. They're non-judgemental, non-proseltysing, and all-welcoming. Even Atheists.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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