“Why did God make some people ugly and others good looking? It’s not fair. I find myself looking in the mirror and wondering why I have to be so ugly and have such an ugly body when all my friends are pretty and have nice bodies. Why was God unfair to me like this?
Thank you for your honesty, Erin. I know a lot of teenagers feel the same way you do. You are obviously angry at God because you believe that He has cheated you by not giving you a better face and body.
And because you’ve been honest and direct with me, let me be honest with you—God doesn’t deal with us unfairly. He deals with us only in love. If He dealt with fairness we would never be born. Instead, He would judge us for all the sins He know we will commit. The fact you are alive and healthy means God has been gracious with you.
Name of the site should be "bullshitanswersthatarecompletelyuseless.net". Yes, she did ask why god was being unfair, but that wasn't her entire question nor was it even the most relevant part. She wants to know why she's ugly. And you telling her all of that useless information about god judging sins isn't helping. Personally, I'd tell her that more than likely she's overreacting and even if she's not there are cheap, safe, effective methods of making oneself look better and increasing confidence. Finally, I'd point out that confidence itself is sexy and that working on her self-image may be a better attractant than all the cosmetics in the world. If you have to include god in there somewhere, well, I don't know, just say he invented all of those things for her to use or something.
What an awful thing to tell a teenager. You are socially awkward and 'ugly' because God punished you for things you haven't done and you have no recourse to look at this list or appeal the punishment.
YEah that's what teens want to be told. Thisisi why I am an atheist and an anti-theist. Religion is evil. Period.
Which begs the question, why is he more gracious with some than with others? And we're back to square 1.
Next time, Dawson, just admit you don't f***ing know!
"And because you’ve been honest and direct with me, let me be honest with youGod doesn’t deal with us unfairly. He deals with us only in love."
I believe Erin would disagree with you on this point, hence the question.
"If He dealt with fairness we would never be born. Instead, He would judge us for all the sins He know we will commit."
Instead he makes us jump through hoops and play out what amounts to a rather pointless experience so that he can, instead, judge us for all of the things we actually did do and all of the things we didn't do but wanted to and all of the things we were tempted into doing/saying/thinking because of Satan. At least according to people like you.
Care to explain why your deity would do this?
"The fact you are alive and healthy means God has been gracious with you."
That was a fine non-answer you gave there. How about answering the question you were actually asked?
The old "Hey, you're alive, aren't you - stop whining!" argument.
Erin: "So why did God let my house burn down?"
"Thank you for your honesty, Erin. I know a lot of people whose houses have burned down feel the same way you do. You are obviously angry at God because you believe that He has cheated you by not keeping your house safe from fire.
And because you’ve been honest and direct with me, let me be honest with you God doesn’t deal with us unfairly. He deals with us only in love. If He dealt with fairness we would never be born. Instead, He would judge us for all the sins He knows we will commit. The fact that your garage was left standing and only your mother died in the fire and not you or your sisters means God has been gracious with you."
BTW, how the heck can someone with a brain say "God doesn’t deal with us unfairly" then turn around and say "If He dealt with fairness we would never be born." That's like the kid who says "I didn't hit him; and besides, he hit me first."
“Why did God make some people ugly and others good looking? It’s not fair. I find myself looking in the mirror and wondering why I have to be so ugly and have such an ugly body when all my friends are pretty and have nice bodies. Why was God unfair to me like this?
Never mind Dawson's bullshit, here's the real answer to your question. Especially keeping in mind Angelina Jolie:
(check one):
[ ] The reason why your God only aesthetically blessed her and not you, is because he's pissed off with you & your fundie ilk, Erin, and now only favours Atheists, Agnostics, Wiccans, Liberals, non-fundie Christians, Muslims etc. PROTIP: Angelina Jolie is an Atheist.
[ ] God doesn't exist. Shit happens anyway. Ergo you - a fundie - are ugly. And Angelina - an Atheist - isn't. QED. Them's the breaks, I'm afraid.
Choose wisely.
The fact you are alive and healthy means God has been gracious with you.
So let me get this straight...
Anyone who is sick or dead it shitouttaluck?
..I just wanna hug that poor girl. Clearly she has self-esteem issues.
Dawson, don't go into counselling, 'kay?
Yeah, look on the bright side Erin. With your looks you won't be tempted by the evils of sexsin. Well, maybe you will, but no guy's going to fuck your ugly ass.
So it's kind of like Gawd is helping you by making you a fat, disgusting cow. In his unending love, of course.
P.S. Erin, you will be tempted to start wearing plaid shirts and getting a short haircut and licking vagina. You must resist this temptation.
I wouldn't put it quite like the fundie does, with all the tripe about original sin and how we don't deserve to be born. But I'd echo at least one of the sentiments - be thankful for what you do have, Erin. You may not be a stunning beauty, but at least you're alive, presumably healthy, well fed and live in relative comfort, with access to education, proper medical treatment and all the rest of it. You've been a hell of a lot luckier than a lot of people in this world, so stop whining about how unfair it all is that your skydaddy didn't give you supermodel looks. Looks are pretty trivial compared to the things that really matter in life.
God isn't real, life isn't fair, make the most of what you have because you'll look even worse in 20 years time.
That would have been better than the reply he gave :/ Heck at least it's honest, brutally so.
Wozza if you take god out of thise response, all you are left with is:
"Thank you for your honesty, Erin. I know a lot of teenagers feel the same way you do."
Which is just as bad.
Predestination for the ... incredibly cruel loss. According to McAllister, God knows we will sin but will do nothing to stop it and will not even allow us enough free will to avoid these so called sins.
Erin, if you should happen to read this please know you have a good brain and that is all an intelligent partner will need. I suggest you use it to get away from the poisonous bile that religion becomes.
Except that telling someone struggling with self-image issues that they're being ungrateful for what they do have is actually a bad idea, because it makes them feel THAT MUCH WORSE for being ungrateful.
Say something constructive or don't say anything at all.
He's not unfair to you. Just communicate telepathically to God that you believe that the guy who was nailed up on the cross 2,000 years ago was His Son, and that you accept the Son as your personal savior, even though He made you ugly. If you do, you may have a crappy, loveless life married to a fat, sweaty, beer-swilling, unemployed redneck, but you’re guaranteed a fine spot in heaven after you die. As long as you believe in Jesus (and don't support abortion rights, turn gay or vote for a Democrat) you’ll be among "the saved" and go to heaven. Then you can watch and snicker at all those hot, sexy, Jimmy Choo-wearing New York liberal fashionistas who, during life, made ten times as much money as you and had sex with better-looking guys, as they weep and gnash their teeth in the Lake O'Fire®
Pastor John
A scientific approach to this dilemma is "God likes variety, this is why there's such diversity on Earth"
It stands up to Biblical and natural observation scrutiny and explains why some people can't be beautiful. How would we know any difference if we all looked like the beautiful?
The funny thing is I realized a while ago how I can explain these "why does God,,,,?" questions better than preachers.
So basically what Dawson is saying is that God made her ugly as punishment for sins within the womb or for the sins of her ancestors. Stuff completely out of her control, either that or punishment for crimes and/or sins she has yet to commit. Kind of like a pre-emptive punishment.
So Erin, according to Dawson's "answer", you should just be happy that God was gracious enough to allow to live rather than just cast you directly into Hell.
Good one, McAllister! A young person tells you she feels ugly, and you tell her that your ever-loving god not only thinks she doesn't deserve to be pretty, he thinks she doesn't deserve to exist? Please go stand on a fire-ant nest for several hours.
Better advice for Erin: no matter what you look like, some people out there will think you're beautiful; why not join them?
Drax you're a dick too. YOu don't say that to an upset impressionable teenager. Tough love doesn't work for everyone. Trust me, I know, I had no self-esteem for over thirty years because that's all I ever got when I reached out for help.
@#1210411: If you think I'm a dick that's your prerogative. I stand by my views. This girl is bloody lucky that she doesn't have any problems more serious than not looking like a stunning model.
Although I'm willing to admit that the fault lies more with society than with the girl herself, for programming teens like her to base their self esteem and self-worth on something as shallow and trivial as what they look like in the mirror.
I'm trying to tell Erin (not that she's ever likely to read this) that she has a hell of a lot to be happy about, that looks aren't important in the big scheme of things, and that she doesn't have to look like a model in order to be a worthwhile human being or to have a good life. Would that be such a bad lesson for her to learn?
@HumMis1349: Didn't say that; I said looks weren't important in the grand scheme of things, and that there are far more important things to worry about and to base your self-esteem on. It's also a fact there are plenty of ugly chicks with good looking boyfriends, and ugly men with stunning girlfriends. Why do you suppose that is?
It's also a fact there are plenty of ugly chicks with good looking boyfriends, and ugly men with stunning girlfriends. Why do you suppose that is?
Because they want someone they can abuse or otherwise treat as a doormat. Or in the latter case, because the man is rich.
"Because they want someone they can abuse or otherwise treat as a doormat."
You have a pretty dim view of humanity, I'm afraid. Although this is undoubtedly true in some cases, but not everyone is this way.
"Or in the latter case, because the man is rich."
Again, no doubt true in some cases. But that's the point, isn't it....there are other qualities besides physical appearance that can attract a mate. It may be a fat wallet, or a big dick, or it may be a great personality. But in each case, it's something other than looks.
Lol. Well, I don't make such generalisations. There are plenty of scummy people in the world, true enough, but human nature is a very broad and diverse thing.
Anyway, we'll have to agree to disagree for tonight...I'm off to bed.
Anyone wanna bet the letter writer is, like, really pretty?
'Cuz it's usually only pretty girls that obsess about being ugly.
@Drax -- My partner's unconditional love is what attracts me. He's kind, affectionate, he cooks, he's the perfect "heated blanket" on a cold night. I won't get into the intimate details, but the lovin's good, too. Looks just don't enter into the equation, not that he's not good looking.
God is fair and God is love, that's why we are sinners before we are even born. Great answer, dude. Especially as that wasn't even the question.
Erin may be honest, but McAllister looks about as honest as a snake oil salesman who doesn't even know what snake oil is supposed to be.
Lesson from this is that if you have a problem, don't turn to Christians for help - they're likely to give you illogical answers. The website also mentions "walking with God", yeah that's going to make her feel good about herself! Stupid Christians!!!
That poor kid. I just want to hug her and all this sick bastard can do is give her a non-answer, which no doubt made her feel worse.
She clearly has some self esteem issues and needs a little reassurance, not this line of crap.
@WMDKitty: Sounds like a pretty stable basis for a relationship, looks fade but love lasts....
@Percy Q. Shunn: Hey, I can appreciate a pretty girl as well as the next guy, just saying that it isn't the be-all and end-all, and looks quickly fade anyway. If I had to choose I'd take a loving faithful chick over a stunning one any day, especially if we were talking about the long haul as opposed to a one-night romp.
#12107893, if you were responding to me, that's not all he said.
Btw, how does he know Jesus wasn't good looking? Was there a Polaroid taken of him that I'm not aware of? It would be nice to see actual evidence that the guy existed, even if he was just a guy.
Way not to address the problem dumbass.
Dearest Erin, I'm doubting that you are truly ugly. Very few people actually are. I would suggest a regular exercise routine, healthy diet, taking time to enjoy the sun each day, and maybe looking into makeup. If you suffer from chronic acne or other physical ailments, there are doctors who can help.
On the chance that the genetic lottery was not kind or there are other circumstances involved, I would suggest focusing on your education, a satisfying career, and saving your pennies for plastic surgery. Please make surgery your last option.
Now was that so hard?
If He dealt with fairness we would never be born. Instead, He would judge us for all the sins He know we will commit.
So you're saying that God puts pure and incorruptible souls into the corrupt and sin-bound bodies of humans so he doesn't have to punish them for something a pure and incorruptible soul wouldn't have been capable of doing in the first place?
He would judge us for all the sins He know we will commit.
So, god knows we will sin. Yet he still creates us and when we do those sins not only will he not even try to stop us, but he'll BURN US FOR ALL ETERNITY!
Gracious my fat ass.
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