Bryan Fischer #fundie
If there is any one thing the Mississippi constitution flatly and emphatically prohibits, it is a "marriage" between two lesbians. When the issue was on the ballot, 86% of voters in the Magnolia State pulled the lever for natural marriage.
Two lesbians getting married could not possibly be more illegal and unconstitutional anywhere in the United States than in Mississippi.
So how did lesbians NLF (initials used to shield their identity) and JRW get married last week in Mississippi and get an official marriage license to post proudly on Facebook? They committed biological fraud, that's how.
"Natalie" (not her real name) is so sexually confused she apparently believes she is a man trapped inside a woman's body, despite the fact that her DNA is 100% female and will be until the day she dies. She is a woman in every, single solitary cell of her body. Her birth certificate identifies her as female and will until the day she dies.
Natalie does not need to be enabled in this self-destructive path, she needs to be helped. Given the exceptionally high suicide rate among transgenders, she needs the kind of therapy that will help her reconcile her psychological identity with her biological one. She needs the kind of help that will enable her to leave the lesbian/transgender lifestyle altogether. Simple human compassion calls for nothing less.
This clearly is not a "marriage" that is permissible in Mississippi. Mississippi authorities, including the governor and attorney general, should immediately step in and invalidate this license.
And Mississippi's policy on transgenderism, if it permits this grotesque caricature of marriage, must be immediately changed.
Other states with marriage amendments in place should be on notice that Big Gay has found a way to bypass the will of the people and the supreme law of the state through fakery and pretense.
If Mississippi doesn't deal with this quickly, I expect we will soon see this couple featured on the cover of magazines and the front page of newspapers all across the fruited plain. They will be celebrated as the lesbians who pulled off an amazing feat: convincing good-hearted Mississippians to violate their own constitution under the color of the law.