W. F. Price #fundie the-spearhead.com
As for misandry, I don’t think it will ever go away. Let’s be honest here: men will always try to beat each other to gain some advantage over their competitors. Even Paul Elam, who proclaims himself to be the primary advocate for men, has spent plenty of effort in attempts to discredit and dominate his male opposition, just like an alpha male chimpanzee. It’s just the way the world works. Women have evolved to take advantage of this, and will switch from one male to the other depending on who they think is dominant at any given moment.
Feminism is really the result of elite men giving women free rein to crap on other men. Manginas are men who think they can capture some of this top-alpha pixie dust for endless pussy and power. Thing is, hardly any manginas measure up to masters like Bill Clinton, which is why most of them fail.
But we can see it in other cultures, too. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, for example, was totally pro-feminist. So was Hosni Mubarak, Muamar Kadhafi, etc. It’s all about putting the other men in their place. Women are just the eternal beneficiaries of politicized misandry, the proper word for which should simply be “warfare.” Men make war, and women just go from one victor to another. They are hard-wired to hate “losers,” and there’s nothing mysterious about it. They make their sympathies crystal clear all the time. For God’s sake, Gloria Steinem – an 80yo crone today – is basking in ecstasy (shudder) after receiving a “medal of freedom” from Barack Obama, just like she got off on fooling around with ugly, troll-like Henry Kissinger back in the 70s.
It’s up to us “lesser men” to fight for ourselves and be vigilant, because it always ends up this way.