AL #fundie

Strange that we can't legislate morality yet we have millions in prisons at the ccost of billions for breaking the legislated laws. -Largely because they were never taught the laws made by the legislators who say we can't legislate moral laws. All moral laws except for private morality are legislated anyway because they have to do with harm to others and or their property.
"Bind love and mercy around your neck and write them on the tablets of your heart." -Solomin
"Don't do unto others that which you would not have done unto you." -Moses
Jeez! We wouldn't want to teach that awfull stuff. If this is not an example of throwing the baby out with the bath water then I don't know what is.

Frankly, there is not one great passage of "scripture" that is not illustrative of practical living.

[Really, AL? What about those passages forbidding people to wear mixed fabrics? Or telling you to stone your son to death if he disrespects you? Or forcing a rapist to marry his victim?!? Not exactly what I'd call "practical"!]

Far more dangerous, and damning are the teachings -allowed in school- (legislated by social geniuses like you) that suggest that human life has no value or intrinsic meaning, and that moral absolutes like "thou shall not kill" are just silly stories made up by dogmatic fools who really don't understand the new and improved God of cold reason.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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