SuperMario #fundie

(On Connecticut ruling same-sex marriage is a right)

It's sad how many people lack God in their lives. I for one hope that American society collapses, maybe then we can get rid of all these atheist, hedens, and non-believers. Hopefully, a new nation will rise from the ashes, one based on God and his teachings.

I understand that you cannot force gay people to love the opposite sex. But why go after a religous act such as marriage. Why do they have to get married? Especially if they do not follow Christianity. I would not care if a gay couple spend time together in private but I would be lying if I were to say that I would be comfortable with gay acts in public.

Well, this is a sad day for me indeed. Thank God there are alot of Roman Catholics in NYC. They would never allow this to happen. Well, as long as they don't get married under the church. Then I would really lose it.

And gays, spare me your little sermons on constitutional rights, myths, bigotry etc ....My opinion is one I would never change. No matter how many of you fags try to force it down our ****ing throats.



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