I'll have to take this point by point:
"Science cannot disprove faith"
I don't think anyone tries to say otherwise.
"any science that is contrary to faith is not true science"
Um...science is based on testable and repeatable, OBJECTIVE reality. Faith is based on belief in unseen things. Therefore, faith and science are mutually exclusive.
"If science says that God does not exist because such a belief is illogical and cannot be proved scientifically"
Okay, with you so far...
"is science right?"
For all intents and purposes, yes. Scientific fact is something that's not generally up for debate. Science is based on things we can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. If a deity does exist, even if science cannot prove that existence, and we realize that it's pointless to speculate about said deity, then that still doesn't make science wrong. Remember what we learned in the first part of this: science is based on reality, things in this world, whereas faith is based on things outside reality, things in some other world. Science, as it pertains to things in reality, cannot (theoretically) be wrong.