You don't actually need to MAKE yourself a freeman, the only thing that you need to understand is that you are not your person, which is your ID. The only real LAW we must abide by is to keep the peace and never infringe on another's free will. So if a Policy Enforcement officer pulls you ever, greet him as such, "Good day/evening, are you a peace officer?" Which he will respond affirmatively, to which you respond, "What peace have I disturbed? I have a common law right to travel in the Commonwealth, and this is my private property. Have I breached the peace? No? Good day." Hold your ground, it's only brute force that they may take you out of your car, but you've locked your doors, and through a crack in the window, you've slid him your affidavit of truth, which opens contract, and you refuse to give him jurisdiction over your person, as you are speaking to him as a free man, human being, and not a government created fiction. If your ID says ROBERT LAIDLAW, by all means only go by Robert, of the Laidlaw family. ONly give them your family name if it is absolutely imperative to you keeping your face in one piece. Robert, the human being has the god given right to travel any where, by any means.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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