you can even be a kindergarten drop out and still know how ridiculous the theory of evolution is .. it does take a scientist,,, Evolution is all about some how.. some how life began by a big bang and some how that life became all different species and not only that some how all those species figured out they better be males and females in it so it can reproduce.. and some how some of the species became evolutionary scientist that think there smart but believe this nonsense..
you can even be a kindergarten drop out and still know how ridiculous religious creationism is .. it does take a scientist,,, creationism is all about some how.. some god crapped everything into existence after eating a giant burrito and some how that crap became all different kinds and then he flooded the world and killed everyone because they were behaving pretty crappy, and then since they still were acting crappy he had to impregnate a woman with himself so he could sacrifice himself to himself so he could forgive all of the crap the humans were doing when they weren't following the crappy rules he made up himself. and some how some of the humans think there smart but believe this nonsense..
Thus spake the kindergarten drop out.
I know, I know, learning science is gives you a horrible brain cramp. It so much easier to believe the dirt & rib theory of creation.
The OP should realize that it's a lot easier to simply believe that some superior being poofed everything into existence wholesale than it is to actually have people spend their entire lives trying to piece together how organisms changed over time. I mean, religion seems like the easy way out for the simpleminded when you think about it...
Big Bang = astronomy, physics, astrophysics, cosmology. Evolution = biology. Some people suspect that these disciplines don't deal with the same subject matter. In brief, evolution does not deal with the Big Bang. Or any other theory of creation, for that matter.
you can even be a kindergarten drop out...
"If y'all cain't believe how evolution works . . . YEWW, jes' maght be a Kidney Garden dropout!" <Jeff Foxworthy voice>
You got an F in Sandbox 101, huh. And got sent back...
to HomSkuul, I bet.
You can even be a drooling idiot and still know how rediculious the "theory" of creation is .. Nobody has ever seen a giant man with a long white beard sitting on a cloud.
Creation is all about how the giant man turned dirt into people, then he gave them a book that says how he made them out of dirt.
The idea that male and female existed before species branched away from each other is too hard for these people to grasp isn't it? There is no need for millions of species to develop male and females, only one species needs to and for that concept to remain necessary for survival as species branch off and change.
No, epitome: that's not at all what evolution is about. it doesn't address the origin of the universe or the first living organisms. It doesn't state or predict species 'figured out they better be males and females'.
Your problem clearly isn't what you don't know, but what you think you know for certain taht simply isn't so.
Professor Christian.
He's not a really bad or dangerous supervillian but Reed Richards still wants to kick his ass down every level of the Baxter Building.
Me too, unless he is eight, then there's hope, more misguided than evil.
If I were in kindergarten, I would look at an academic paper on Galois theory as nonsensical.
I still don't get Galois theory.
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't true.
You're right, it's usually the drop-outs that think science is ridiculous, because they don't understand it.
Life didn't begin with a big bang, silly, the Universe did. Life began with abiogenesis.
Not all species have male and female, silly, some are just females and others can change sex if the need arises. Yet other species reproduce asexually. Oh, and the species didn't "figure it out", silly, the mutation occurred and was found successful, so it stayed.
The only one here thinking s/he is S-M-R-T is you, silly.
"you can even be a kindergarten drop out and still know how ridiculous the theory of evolution is"
And according to your bible, even a fool knows there is no God. So what's your excuse for claiming there is one?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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