Bob Schlenker #fundie

Some of you may remember a TV series from 1966-1967 called The Time Tunnel. The title construct was what we now refer to as a stargate, featuring a helical tunnel as the portal through which one would pass through time. The logo, seen on the floor of the control room, pictures an hourglass but it should also be seen as the crossing of helical windings, as with DNA. A pyramid is also featured in the logo, and you may also note that the novel is a Pyramid book.
The consistency of all this imagery should speak more and more loudly to us of a reality underlying the common thematic elements. As the Bible declares, there is a dimensional portal that will be opened shortly through which will pass entities as from out of a bottomless pit, entering into our realm as appointed to fulfill the sovereign God's purposes.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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