The NY Times within a day after the SCOTUS decision laid out the next “LGBT” battle plan — to make homosexual behavior and gender confusion “civil rights” under “non-discrimination” laws. Does this anger you as much as it does me?
Sodomy is NOT a civil right!
We must not let more of these bills pass, because these laws at the state and local level have provided the weapons to close bakeries, enact hefty fines, and propel unwarranted lawsuits against florists and photographers.
So what do we do?
Call your REPUBLICAN representatives in state and federal office and tell them you will not support them in the next election if they vote for any such law. Call your state representatives if you live in a state where such a law has not yet passed, and call every U.S congressional representative. Call them if there is a specific bill pending or even if there’s not. They will get the message.
“ENDA” non-discrimination bills are not “compassionate” policies. They are built on phony claims of trumped-up victimology where actual stats on job losses are never enumerated, anecdotes abound and ridiculous fables are unveiled.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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