Isn't it amazing how the Bible proves itself time after time? No matter what evolutionist come up with, the Bible has a concrete explaination.
The correct spelling is
I find it interesting - and telling - that these morons always manage to add an I to the word.
Sad. Very, very ignorant, and sad. I simply can't think down far enough to appreciate this level of ignorance, so I really don't feel 'qualified' to comment.
@ DarkfireTaimatsu
It's really more of an Elmer's glue explanation.
Mmmm, I'll go with library paste.
Wow. What a convincing argument....not.
Actually, the bible proves itself time after time to be horseshit, and its explanations are only concrete if you want them to be. A delusion remains a delusion no matter how fervently you believe it to be otherwise. I could try and bullshit myself into believing that I am the most irresistible stud on earth even after ten years of not getting laid, but the facts would rather suggest otherwise.
Mind you, what do you expect other than blind allegiance to bullshit from someone who posts on a website that manages to combine creation, dinosaurs and the flood into one name?
Did God create man first and then the animals, or the animals first and then man?
Is a man obliged to marry his brother's widow, or is this prohibited?
Please provide concrete Bible "explainations" for these questions, Ms Strickland.
I checked out several of the sites answers. Concrete explainations in that they're dense. Like AIG this site just hops around the subject, sites debunked creationist claims from the past and drops a cherry-picked Bible verse as proof of historical or scientific evidence.
The only thing that gives these sites any following is that their followers will grasp the slightest straw of percieved authority to validate their Bible.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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