Sherry Shriner #conspiracy
Mars contains military bases, captives, abductees, aliens, humans being held there against their will and more people will be joining them as those caught off guard and kidnapped via the False Rapture of the Blue Beam Project when the Antichrist, posing as the messiah, descends to earth. "UFO's" will be snatching over 100,000 people off the earth to mimmick the rapture that the modern church has been conditioned to believe will happen.
And who said government and religion are separate. It makes you think that they've been working together all along to perpetrate the biggest hoax of all time. In fact, they have. The pre-tribulation teaching and the Blue Beam Project go hand in hand in working together to make thousands of people disappear, and then the world will witness the arrival of a "Messiah."
Christians will be in a panic. I see it all the time in the codes. Many people are caught off-guard by these coming hoaxes that they think are actual and real events. Often times Scripture is misunderstood, so many people will learn too late that the doctrines they've put all their faith into were and are wrong. Many believers have egos bigger than Mt. Sinai. They do not seek the truth from the Lord Himself, yet they do not want to be told they are wrong about anything. Most will not even hear of such a possibility even existing. If these believers knew or were prepared for what was coming they would not be described as being in terror and in a panic.
From my research in the Bible Codes, I learned that the nations on Mars had joined with those on Earth and Rahab in the rebellion against Yahweh. Mars was also judged and destroyed with hailstones and fire just as Earth and Rahab had been. Although spared from being cast out of our solar alignment, it would remain largely a wasteland and most of the inhabitants left would seek shelter underground. With their cities destroyed, they would never be rebuilt to prominence again. The life they had known and enjoyed was over. But they would seek, as Satan did, to corrupt the new creation on Earth with some of their own. They infiltrated in what is now known as Egypt, or perhaps some of their own had escaped God's wrath and Judgment on the earth for its role in the rebellion against Him. The sphinx, the face on mars, and other abnomolies yet to be explained, are all in relation to their brethren on Mars. The terms Egypt - Egyptian - Remnant - Kinsman were intersecting in the Mars Codes as indicated on my website at Ancient Egyptians were related to Martians. They were of the same seed and heritage.
Now before you start laughing at the facts, remember the little green men are not Martians. That was created for public consumption. The little green men, also known as greys, are a created species who do the footwork for the larger lizard race, the Reptilians. In short, they are slaves of the Reptilians and are controlled by them.