why the hell should I have to put up with idiots like you
For the same damn reason we have to put up with know nothing mental throwbacks like you, because we are both americans and therefore we are equal in so far as the government is concerned.
If you don't like the ideals that this country was founded
The ideals the US founded upon was first and foremost freedom from the tyranny of kings and and the state church. What you want is the exact opposite of the founding fathers, you want your religion to be endorsed by the government, to be held aloft and officially recognized as being somehow more valid than the others. You act as though your christianity makes you more important, more american than non-believers or those with religious beliefs that differ from your own.
then get the hell out and takr all your gay friends with you.
It's as much their country as it is yours, being gay is doesn't make someone any less of an american, nor does being a non-christian or not the right kind of christian. Acting as if they should leave because they don't agree with your misinterpretation of the founding documents of the country. The fact that you dislike others and/or the lives they lead doesn't make any difference. The founding ideals of the US included freedom of religion, and not Christianity uber Alles.
Your ideals are in conflict with those of the founders who knew first hand the horrors government sanctioned religion brings, so don't cloak yourself in psuedo-religious patriotism and act as if the founders shared your ideals of christin theocracy, for they most certainly did not.
I am sick and tired of the ACLU and all these other radical organizations telling me what I can't read
Good thing that they are not doing that then. But I still have to say WTF? It's so ironic to hear that coming from people who advocate baning books that portray gays as normal people rather than evil, god-hating, satan loving monsters
or look at
Again, it's a good thing they aren't telling you what to look at.
and who I have to tolerate.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! You don't even read your bible at all, do you? Your very holy book commands you to both "Judge not, lest ye be judged" and "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you". If that doesn't advocate tolerance of others then I don't know what does.
When we don't even give time to respect the young people that are dying every day for people like you to have the freedom to talk the stupidity that you do then we have reaqched a sad day.
Speak for yourself. I personally make time to honor and respect soldiers who have did in Iraq & Afghanistan, including five people that I had counted among my closest friends. So if you can find time to pay your respects then I suspect the problem lies with you rather than being the fault of liberals or the ACLU.
If you don't like the way this country works go to Iran or Iraq and see how long your gay a** last.
Why should they? Why is it that they shouldn't be allowed to speak their mind or voice their opinions? You recieve and exercise the same rights as they have, so why should they have to leave when they disagree with you but not the other way around?
There is no clause, article, phrase, or inferrence in the US constitution that awards christians a higher status than non-christians. In fact there isn't even a single mention to christianity or "god" in the entire document. If a citizen doesn't like the way the country is run then it is their constitutionally guranteed right for them to speak up and do anything within the bounds of US law to affect change in their country.