Yes, David, I'm sure you're suffering is so much worse than Job's.
Let's see...God and Satan made a bet, picked some schmuck at random and systematically dismantled his entire life, robbing him of his children, his property, his wealth, his friends, his reputation and his health, and when he asked God what he had done to deserve such punishment, God's best answer was, "*Shrug* I 'unno, dude; there's just something about you that pisses me off, I guess."
Meanwhile, you live in exile in a tropical paradise, you evaded proper justice for your crimes, and you get free money which you use to spew your evil and hatred back at the world, dressing it up as light and truth.
Yeah, just like fucking Job. No, wait, you're not like Job, Davey, you're just like fucking Jesus! Why settle for the also-rans when you can claim to be just like the Big J-Dog, right?
Fucking Puero Rico gets slammed by storms and turns into Mad Max Goes Tropical, but Paedotopia remains untouched by so much as a grizzly drizzle. Tell me again how there's a loving and just God.