When I just think of a wedding between a Jew and a non-Jew, I always see Hitler and his kind sitting in the front rows of the church. Where the family should be but isn't. That's all I got to say.
Because two people loving each other and uniting two communities is the same as genocide.
Oh wait, for fundamentalists of any kind it probably is. Strengthening the bonds between groups is not the same as severing each individual group, society is not a zero sum game
I don't get it.
Isn't this a reflection on families that were torn apart and destroyed due to the holocaust? As in, the people who should be there aren't because they were murdered (although it's been a while, so the missing people are more likely to be grandparents than parents, who might have died naturally anyway; I guess what I'm saying is that there would be fewer people obviously missing today than there used to be, say, 50 years ago)?
I think this needs more context.
"That's all I got to say"
FSTDT quotes are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.
"That's all I got to say."
Sadly, I have to inform you, the state of your worsening mental health is of no interest to me whatsoever.
@Doubting Thomas
That is exactly correct. Furthermore, Hitler had specifically passed laws against intermarriage because in his twisted worldview, that was tantamount to genocide. Is this idiot sure they're not looking in the mirror when this image of Hitler comes up?
> FSTDT quotes are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.
But I know exactly what I'm going to get from a box of chocolates. I'm going to get chocolate.
Similarly, FSTDT is the most reliable source of genuine lunacy I've ever seen.
Yeah, Hitler and Company loved themselves interracial and cultural marriages, that's what they were all about.
"Don't forget to invite Adolf and Gerry-baby" said the Rabbi, "Forget to invite the life of the party?" Exclaimed the Bishop " They're set for the front row with bells on!"
In this case, there is no win. There is no way to compare intermarriage to genocide without severe failure.
More like a Godfail.
Careful now, Julius Streicher. You might be saying this to a Jew.
When I just think of a field of flowers I always see; Hitler!
When I eat ice cream I see Mussolini!
When I even hear any music I always think of Pol Pot!!
Whenever I see some little kids playing I think; Atilla!! Atilla the fucking HUN! Goddamit!!!!@@!!1
Oh, but when I attend an execution...
I thought jewishness followed the mothers line, so who a jewish guy marries is irrelevant.
Dont let your Jewish daughter marry a goyim ! unless she really wants to.
Yup, that's why there are a bunch of Jews on this very website that hang out in the RSTDT section and make fun of the ACTUAL racists.
I second what Goomy said. Don't be a scumbag.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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