In my humble opinion, those who resist even the mere "possibility" of a God are either close minded, severe materialists, or just don't WANT to believe for a variety of emotional and/or psychological reasons. Otherwise, why the so called militant atheist 'revolution'? There's got to be something REALLY deep going on with those who reject even the slightest notion of God with such angry passion. To me, it's just as odd & unbalanced as the militant evangelists out there.
"Otherwise, why the so called militant atheist 'revolution'?"
Because you fundies have fucked up the world we live in. If you lived on an island and only fucked up your own lives we wouldn't care.
In my humble opinion, those who resist even the mere "possibility" of there being no God are either close minded, severe materialists, or just don't WANT to believe for a variety of emotional and/or psychological reasons. Otherwise, why the so called militant christian 'revolution'? There's got to be something REALLY deep going on with those who reject even the slightest notion of a lack of God with such angry passion. To me, it's just as odd & unbalanced as the militant evangelists out there.
you're right. aside from the complete lack of evidence, i don't WANT to believe in your god. not because i'm afraid of him. because he's an asshole, and my "atheist morals" tell me that i shouldn't worship an egotist who will throw me in eternal flames because i looked at a man the wrong way.
LOL..its not "severe materialists". The correct title is "Mechanistic Materialists".
And we are having this revolution because we atheists can FINALLY group together in a forum where the cretins are powerless to censor and control..THE INTERNET!
Dont worry, this will be a bloodless revolution..only your wittle feeling will be hurt, nothing more.
Not believing that there's even a slight possibility does not in itself make one "militant". You've got to, like, punch religious people to actually qualify for that term. The vast majority of atheists don't fit this description to begin with anyway; even Dawkins leaves the possibility that there is some sort of god open for debate, he just finds it pretty incredibly unlikely.
As a weak atheist, I don't deny the possibility of some sort of god outright but to be fair, we wouldn't look down upon somebody for denying the possibilities of fairies, Santa Claus or flying pink bunnies outright. There's a gross double standard there.
This isn't that fundy in any case, it's just obnoxiously put, at times incorrect and arguably quite ironic. 2-3 material.
God dammit. Most of us aren't saying anything like that.
We agree that there is a possibility of a deity or deities of some kind. We just don't base our lives on that possibility.
Since there is no proof that the possibility is true, we find it more rational to think that it isn't true. If evidence comes along we can change our minds then, when it is rational to do so.
These people seem to think that anyone who doesn't believe in a good reject the mere possibility of that god. And I do think I know why... Because to them there is a single Truth, and that is that their God exists and no other gods can exist. So when they don't believe in a god or gods they don't believe that those Gods are even a possibility.
They think that everyone else is the same; that nobody can not believe in a God and still say "sure, it's a possibility, I just don't believe that it's true."
The main character in your stinky old fairy tale book, this character who calls himself "God", does not meet my standards of morality or ethics. I wouldn't trust him to walk my dog.
Militant atheist: "Believe in nothing, or die!"
militant atheist 'revolution'
We're revolting? Why didn't anyone tell me?
Yeah, I guess I do need some deoderant...
[Otherwise, why the so called militant atheist 'revolution'? ]
You're the one that wants to force prayer back into school, force us to display religious dogma on our courthouses, and deny people their constatutional rights based on your religion.
Why? Why should I believe in God? Why should I believe in Jesus? Why should I believe in Heaven and Hell? Why should I believe in the devil? Why should I believe that if I believe in those things I am saved?
Until you can answer those questions I'm going to be an atheist. Because unlike you I've questioned what I believe and I have very much thought about the possibilities of God. And I always come back to the same question: Why should I?
There is a non-zero probability of pretty much everything. Of course, you can't say there is a non-zero probability for absolutely everything, because that would mean nothing has a zero probability, hence the probability of finding something with zero probability would be zero, contradicting your first premise.
I'm drifting...
This is not in itself a reason to believe in everything. In fact, even without being able to say for sure and ever that there cannot be any form of god, one doesn't have to be a weak atheist. Just as nothing can be disproved with absolute certainty, nothing can be proved with absolute certainty either, but that doesn't stop most people from going around thinking the world exists, the sun is shining, grass is green, etc.
Some things are so confirmed as to be routinely considered "facts" until such time as evidence appears to challenge them. Some people, rightly or wrongly, consider the absence of gods one of these facts.
Since I'm agnostic, I'm not sure I'm qualified to give an answer to this, but I can still point out the errors. There are many, I won't say most, but some atheists and agnostics honestly want to believe. However, due to personal experience and logical deduction and reasoning, there is no real reason to do so. It really has nothing to do with being close minded or materialistic. There is a reason why atheists come across as 'angry' to fundy christians. It's because the fundy cannot honestly accept the athesist for who he/she is, and decides the best way to deal with them is to constantly bombard them with threats of hell. Multiply this by about a dozen a day, and for everyday of the year, and you'll soon learn why atheists seem angry at fundies. You would be too. If fundies left atheists alone, they would seem much less angry. If fundies in this country actually allowed atheists the same rights they have, they wouldn't seem the least bit angry. So it's your perception, and actually because of your ranting, that atheists seem 'angry'.
"or just don't WANT to believe for a variety of emotional and/or psychological reasons"
Like all the quotes where my astonished response is something like, "Wow, your god's a dick, huh?"
So, you would never resist even the mere possibility of an Allah or a Brahman or a Quetzalcoatl, right?
Yup, there must indeed be something REALLY deep going on with those who reject even the slightest notion of Islam being the "right" religion, with such an angry passion.
Remember, lovejazz dearie; the way you feel about the Aesir gods, is the way we feel about your god.
Well, no ... the belief in magic and miracles is what is unbalanced. And the reason that atheists protest is that the religious try to foist that childish belief onto the rest of us by any means, legal and illegal. Living with an overwhelming number of Christians is like living with the residents of some sort of insane asylum, who refuse to believe what's in front of their eyes, but prefer their own fairy tale.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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