David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org
“AN INSIDE JOB?” That's the name of Don Henley's new song and album in May of 2000? God help us to WAKE UP in America, because most people have their heads buried deep in the quick sand. I believe that the government CIA (who have complete freedom to do whatever they want in the entertainment, Hollywood, music and newsmedia industries) somehow got this song into Henley's hands and he was requested to perform it. Here's sickening evidence that the CIA uses reporters to lie and falsify mainstream news. The CIA even has a full-time liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate brainwashing propaganda into movies to mislead and shape public opinion in favor of their NWO agendas. You cannot trust anything that comes through your Television screen anymore these days. Beware of what you watch and the opinions you form from movies. Always ask yourself, “What agenda are they pushing?” and “Why are they showing me this kind of images or commercials?” What's their agenda?
What's the chances of Henley displaying the All-Seeing-Eye on his 2000 album cover, which is the same exact All-Seeing-Eye symbol that the Illuminati used after the 911 attacks to adorn the 911 Ground Zero Memorial for all those murdered??? And the album's hit song is “AN INSIDE JOB???” You couldn't make this stuff up, unless you knew in advance that the 911 attacks were planned and staged by the CIA, bombs were planted in the buildings by Marvin Bush, hijackers from Saudi Arabia were flown out of the country immediately after the attacks, and it was all orchestrated by President George W. Bush's White House administration and those working for them, sworn to secrecy when they were hired.
I don't think Don Henley knew what was coming, but someone up higher in the hierarchy of Satanic power certainly DID know, and they compelled him along proper channels to write the song. There's no way a song like that just happened the year before 911 happened. The All-Seeing-Eye on his album cover plainly evidences that Don Hensley is a part of the New World Order.