Udder_Catastrophe, Demosthenes99, Ballista, freudianslip, NavyIS2,cervantes44 #fundie ar15.com

Udder_Catastrophe: Say you were nailing some chick on the regular, and she claimed to be pregnant with your child. Would you try to convince her to get an abortion if you found out she was a Bernie Sanders supporter?

Demosthenes99: Better abort all of them just to make sure there will be no more liberals.

freudianslip: Fourth trimester abortions!!

NavyIS2: Of course. Why wouldn't you?

Balista: It's a pretty common practice actually.

Black women (historic liberal voters) abort more babies then they deliver annually. Some black women can expect to have up to 10 abortions during the course of their lives.


According to the report, in 2013 black women accounted for 29,007 terminated pregnancies, representing almost 42 percent of all abortions in the city. That same year, black women in the city gave birth to 24,108 babies. With abortions surpassing live births by nearly 5,000, African American women in the city clearly terminated pregnancies more often than they carried babies to term. Black women terminated pregnancies at a rate of 67.3 per 1,000 women ages 15 to 49, a rate far higher than any other racial or ethnic group.

cervantes44: There is no moral high ground to be had. Some would argue it isnt actually a living being and I dont like liberals therefore my answer is yes.

Call me whatever the fuck you want. Liberals cheer on our deaths and laugh when conservatives die. They take pleasure in hearing about bad things happening to people who believe the things we do. I've seen it with my own eyes. Liberals cackling at conservative icons and pundits having tragic things happen to them. Hence, I don't care about said liberals and ill sleep well tonight. Consider that the lot of you buy into the whole "bomb the everliving fuck out of isis AND their families" (as do i) so its not like its much different. I am not so blind that I do not see the obvious fact: that plenty of my fellow "Americans" wish my death just as much as jihadists.



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