Three Wolves In Snow #fundie
I understand that some liberals are so stupid that they can't comprehend that not everyone blindly follows a letter behind a name, that some of us actually hold our politicians accountable when they lie or vote in way we don't agree with. Liberals have a habit of following lock step because they can't think for themselves. They need their nanny government to tell them what to do, how to think, and what to say. So it is not surprising in the least that they can't grasp the concept of Trump not giving a damn if the establishment pukes in the GOP fall to the way side as we voters kick their butts out this election season.
You see, most Trump supporters know that this isn't just about electing a president. This is about much more. We've been telling you for a year now why we are voting for Trump. You all keep thinking it's about Trump. You all keep missing the point. You all keep failing, as does the Hillary camp - it's why she struggles so hard to get her "easy win" to the White House...because none of the idiotic liberal twits who are supporting establishment are listening.
With any luck, the liberal psychos who support Hillary will be having a very, very bad November and beyond. I'm going to laugh at every last one of you for four solid years if Trump wins. Not only because all we're going to here is incessant angry whining from liberal psychos who supported Hillary the evil beast, but because we will finally have a chance to get this country back in order...that includes booting out a few useless twits who had the audacity to call themselves "Republicans".