Strange then, that it's those twelve innocent birds that are dying instead of those 'sinful' gay couples, hmmmmmm...?!
Should tell you something, that. (check one):
[ ] Your 'God' is such a mentally handicapped spasmo dellanoid herp-a-derp-derp drooling 0-IQ mong retard, he can't even fucking aim properly when it comes to his 'Wrath', to the extent that the Creation is now superior to the Creator.
[ ] Your 'God' now favours LGBT people, Liberals, Atheists, left-wingers, pro-Choicers et al, and hates you right-wing fundamentalist Christains. As demonstrated last year, re. that 2-mile wide tornado obliterating those parts of Oklahoma, in the very religious Midwest. And not, say... the Castro District of San Francisco: Gay Central.
[ ] Natural shit happens, and your 'God' doesn't exist.
Choose wisely. Oh, and your soooooo not a post-election RINO 'Anyone But Obama' golden boy Mitt 'Magic Pants' Romney is an LDS-er - based in Utah - is he not, o 'Flip-Flopping more than Romney in a sandal factory' Ruptured Retards...?! [/mega-irony]
@Pule Thanex
The Romulan Star Empire would like a word with the Raptards' biblegod, then. They worship Raptors as gods, their crest is the Raptor holding the twin worlds of Romulus & Remus in it's talons, and their D'deridex & especially Valdore-class Warbirds' design is heavily based on the Avian aesthetic:
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The latter's feather-esque plating on it's wings, eagle-like prow etc, making for a truly awesome ship. [/"Star Trek: Nemesis"]