"I know a lot about evolution. I studied it both in and out of school. You can call me an expert on the subject. The more I learned about evolution, the more I knew it doesn't exsist. The opposite is true for the bible, from my observations. The more one learns about God and the bible, the more they believe!"
So where were you when the defence legal team in Kitzmiller vs. Dover needed you? Your obvious 'learning' would have succeeded where the likes of Michael Behe failed (and how!). Then Judge John E. Jones III wouldn't have decided for the plaintiffs, thus the precedent set.
Judge Jones is a Conservative Christian. Michael Behe is a Professor of Biochemistry.
And yet, despite said judge's own spiritual bias, and the defence's best - certainly highly qualified and most learned - witness, as a result, the teaching of 'Intelligent Design', a.k.a. Creationism, is now illegal and unconstitutional in all US schools.
Your argument is not just invalid; nay, blown out of the water, but out of the space-time continuum as a whole.
Methinks those steroids have affected your intellect too much. They do cause 'winkie shrinkage', after all. >:D
"The more I learned about evolution, the more I knew it doesn't exsist. The opposite is true for the bible, from my observations."
Kitzmiller vs. Dover says - and proves - otherwise. Evolution is fact. Creation is lies. The law says so. Romans 13:1-5 says you must agree. Deal with it.