kaleb #fundie rr-bb.com
- Once said he was a Christian, but shuns all things Christian.
a.He is an ally of the Homosexual community and champions their struggle to defile marriage and gain rights that for all intent and purposes they have always had in the U.S.!
b. He is a pro-abortion. He even once said in a speech if his daughter got pregnant as a teen he wouldn't want her "punished with a baby" No mention or support of telling his daughter to obstain from sleeping around. (Because liberals don't believe in abstinence or personal governance on such matters) His shiney new healthcare bill will one day make it easier for promiscuous teens and adults of all ages to sacrifice their kids on the alter of convenience.
c.Will not speak with any Biblical morality and won't even allow anything symbol remotely Christian around him. Not a speech or anywhere. When he spoke at notre dame they made sure and removed all Christian references near his majesty's podium
- Says he's not a muslim however he schmoozes up to them in speeches and in actions. Was raised by muslims as a muslim. He addresses them in foreign countries in their native tongue and actively promotes legislation to win their approval.