[Topic about atheists not having holidays]
Well atheist shouldn't work in the first place since they believe the world has no purpose
So they want to support atheists on welfare, or have a bunch of homeless atheists on the street? Now that's Christian compassion!
And of course, Independence Day and Labor Day *are* secular holidays, and some atheists also celebrate the Solstices...
Does NOT!
Your purpose is to amuse God, who is in turn doing all this for no good reason.
I say the purpose of life is to make sure the human race survives, and to have fun.
Where do these dolts get this idea. As an atheist, I believe the world has great value and the people on it can instill their lives with great meanings, I just believe that delusions of deities have no positive purpose.
Wait, who puts all his faith in the rapture and tell us that we shouldn't be in the world and that our ways shouldn't be the ways of the world and that if we behave badly we're going to hell, after death?. Let's have the concepts clear.
Well atheist shouldn't work in the first place since they believe the world has no purpose
I've sort of got this habit of eating that I have to keep up with. Between food and sacrificing Christian babies I barely have time to get to work.
Working has a purpose, it puts food on the table and pays electricity and internet bills. Good enough reason to get a job as far as I'm concerned.
Just because life doesn't have a purpose handed down on a silver platter doesn't mean one doesn't want to enjoy it while it lasts. And having money is a major requirement to having an enjoyable life. Working is the most efficient and safest way to get money.
How about ~
February 12th - Darwin Day
March 14th - Einstein Day
December 25th - Feast of the Solstice
February 14th - Feast of Fertility
October 31st - Festival of Death (commemorating the end of the harvest, beginning of Winter, and Celtic New Year)
May 9th - Eigen-Schuster Commemoration Day
November 9th - All Saint's Day (commemorating Sagan, Hume, Russel, Diagoras, and other prominent "Church Fathers")
June 21st - Festival of Human Enlightenment - or Forbidden Fruit Day ("Holiest" day of the year, it commemorates the elevation of wisdom and secular knowledge over superstition - it is marked by the "longest day of the year", or the day containing the lengthiest period of daylight, ostensibly symbolic of ancient man's ability to do more reading, experimenting, and studying, on this day than any other day of the year... It is customary on this day to exchange apples with strangers, symbolic of the archaic scriptural description of early man accepting the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.)
In the US
Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, President's Day, Memorial Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and other secular holidays remain unchanged...
I hear more voices of "true" christians (for example on rapture ready) who scream that, because of the incoming rapture, they don´t see a point in further working, studying or having careers, than I hear any voices of atheists who see no point in living regular lives (with jobs, study, family and the like)
I'm square with not working, where do I sign up?
Oh, wait, my life does have a purpose. Damn. Back to the grindstone.
Well theists believe god crapped the earth out of his ass, aren't they fucking dumb?
See, I can make up shit, too.
You fundies are the ones who think this is just an application test to the real life in the hereafter. We think this life is all we get, so this life is precious, infinitely purposeful and worthy of appreciating in-and-of-itself.
Most holidays come from older pagan or naturalistic celebrations, like the Winter Solstice, the Spring Equinox, the Midsummer Festival, etc. We sort of had them first, so we win! Easter comes from Eostre, an Indo-European dawn goddess.
Oh, I dunno. I think that food, clothing, and a roof over my head is a sensible objective, so I have a purpose.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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