Most of the liberals you run into, especially the far left wingers have satan as their master.
- Two things. You are required to prove the existence of Satan. You are required to show that Liberal (Liberals are lauded in the Bible, btw!) have him as a master. Can you do this? I think not!
He has a tremendous plan for this country through Barrack Obama.
- Still required to prove Satan exists. Now you are required to prove the link between Senator Obama and Satan.
It is being derailed by a woman who has given her heart to his great enemy Jesus Christ.
- Or not. From allegations I have read, if true this lady would have quite some explaining to do to prove her Christian values - and I'm certainly not talking sex here.
The reason you are seeing such outlandish behavior on the part of Palin's enemies is simply the stirring up of the demons which control them. It is a demonic rage.
- No Satan = No Demons. You still have to prove Satan.
The contempt they are showing for her values is simply the contempt satan has for Christian values.
- It is alleged contempt for Christian values that I have read about in connection with this lady that makes it imperative for her to show herself worthy of the high off for which she has been proposed.
- When she has cleared up these alleged failings, then we shall see if she is a good demon-buster or not.