Evandr #fundie religiousforums.com

Have any of you ever been on an Easter egg hunt when you were small? I have and I truly believed in the Easter bunny by virtue of all the eggs that I discovered.

Could it be that all that science has put together is like the Easter eggs that have been put there for us to discover and we are attributing that to evolution and not God the same way children attribute Easter eggs to the Easter bunny and not the parents who really put them there.

In order for us to prove our faithfulness to God we have to be given the opportunity to choose and for that to happen there has to be something else to choose from say... evolutionary theory.

There is plenty of evidence to support the existence of God and yes, although there can be arguments for the evolutionist to cling to, there are just too many assumptions made to avoid the evolutionist theory being degraded at every level.

I believe that we are discovering new things every day and I also believe that these things have a logical place in creation and that it is our own ignorance that prevents us from seeing the beginning from the end.

Using what we have been given to discover about our world to discredit the existence of a creator is like using Easter eggs to discredit the roll of our parents in the whole show.




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