Did you know that because it is impossible for atheism to exist, you as an atheist do not exist
Okay. That's got to be the stupidest...fucking...retard...
You call yourself an ambassador for someone you only know from other people, who only know him from a book.
The defination of a-theist is one who doesn't believe in a god, and you can talk to someone like that, directly, and still deny their existance?
You are the definition of bat-shit crazy. Crazier then a shit-house rat. You're fucking nuts.
"Oh, that was easy!" says Ambassador4Christ, and goes on to prove that black is white, and gets killed at the next pedestrian crossing....
They keep making this claim, that atheism is impossible, but so far no one has offered one logical argument to support the position. Basically they are taking the approach that everyone must believe what they believe, and if they deny it, then they are lying.
It's the ultimate counter-argument. they aren't saying you are wrong, they are saying you are wrong about thinking you are wrong. You're actually right (you do believe in God) you just won't admit it.
They are taking the position that atheists actually agree with them, they just won't admit it.
As far as logical positions go, it's one of the most unsustainable I've ever seen. it leaves no room for discussion or debate or thought.
Descartes is sitting in a bar, having a drink. The bartender asks him if he would like another. "I think not," he says, and vanishes.
...and for his next trick, Ambassador4Christ proved that black is white and got killed at the next zebra crossing.
I'm not sure if the Adams reference is really appropriate, or really inappropriate. Having a love for stand-up comedy, I don't really care.
EDIT: Sorry, Chan! Missed your comment.
I thought it was too good be true that no-one else got there.
By the way, Steve is about to over-estimate the number of atheists in the world...
This could be a good thing, actually. By this logic, overpopulation won't be a problem for another few years. Good show, old boy.
To be honest, I have no idea how many atheists there are worldwide. I'm sure Ambassador4Christ is in the same boat.
Is this some sort of "everybody believes, so atheism doesn't exist" thing? Instead of claiming they know my beliefs better than I do, they say that I don't exist. This must be an improvement of some sort, it's easier to prove them wrong.
This reminds me so much of my dad when I was growing up. If you wanted a steak, and he wanted chicken, he wouldn't tell you you couldn't have the steak, he would tell you that you didn't actually want the steak in the first place. "You don't know what you want," he would insist.
This is just the fundie version of that.
No, I didn't know that. Thanks! But wait...if I don't exist, I can't possibly know that. And if I don't know that then I exist. But that means that I should have just learned this and shouldn't exist...*brain explosion*
it is impossible for atheism to exist
I can't wait to hear the reasoning on that one.
On second thought, I can. I don't want my head to explode.
If I do not exist, then why am I here, right now, typing this??? Apparently though, it is possible for idiots like you to exist, go figure.
If it was impossible for atheism to exist then it would not exist. Since, however, it exists then that means you're an idiot. Not to mention the millions of atheists all around the world who disprove that claim of yours just by waking up in the morning. Funny how that works.
To Unknown Poster #196115
In your fantasy world, atheists don't exist. But in the real world, right outside your window, we do. Get over this inferiority complex of yours and meet us as equals.
If we atheists don't exist, does that make us God's equals...?
But regarding this guy's way of thinking; he probably thought of Descarte's "Cogito, ergo sum". It's quite clear to him that atheists can't be thinking (if we did, we wouldn't be atheists), so we don't exist. QED!
... so, if I break into your house and steal stuff, you won't call the police because I don't exist, therefore no crime has taken place. The same goes if I steal your car or heave a rock through your window. Yay! Open season on Ambassador4Christ!
REally? Then who blocked my toilet this morning and had to call a plumber...
(OK, that wasn't the case, but I had to go there)
So basically you're saying figments of your imagination exist, and things that exist are figments of your imagination. Thanks for imagining me well hung!
So then am I a figment of your deranged mind or mine? Or somebody else's for that matter?
Or better yet, I'm a figment of my imagination, which is a figment of Ambassador4Christ's imagination, which is a figment of God's imagination, which is a figment of SuperGod's imagination, which is a figment of Goddess's imagination, which is the figment of my imagination. I could go on, but I think I've sufficiently insulted every religion.
Makes sense to me. (in context)
It didn't say "you don't exist", but that you "as a non-existent entity" do not exist.
I read the entire thing, and actually if you think about it, it does make sense that the most you can be is "agnostic".
Tell me, when you lie awake at night, do you fear that God might be the one that does not exist? Does that thought frighten you? It does?
Then atheists are the things that go bump in the night, the silent watchers, suffering under your tyranny, too scattered to form together and resist you, but one day, they won't be.
So who was that staring back at me from the mirror while I was shaving this morning? Noah?
I thought it was impossible for Ambassador4Christ's level of stupidity to exist, but sadly I was mistaken.
In Atheism, something definitely doesn't exist... but it sure ain't me.
I'd try looking up, to find what doesn't exist.
No, I didn't know that. That's a little bit like the old "do you know a bumblebee is incapable of flying?" Yet the bumblebee flies nonetheless, and atheists still exist all around you.
Did you know if you have a million Christians praying, you have a million non-productive individuals in the world?
""Did you know that because it is impossible for atheism to exist, you as an atheist do not exist"
Your logic fails from mixing categories. If it was impossible gof ATHEISTS to exist, then I'm the atheist, would not exist.
But you claim an idea, or lack of ideas, is impossible, therefore the thinker does not exist? Even if your premise wasn't horseshit, that conclusion does not follow,
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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