Evolution is not a part of science
Yes, dipshit, it is a part of science, It's called biology. Of course I understand it's hard for you to grasp such concepts when you spend all of science class with your fingers in your ears while constantly repeating "I can't hear you".
even though many scientists and people like that happen to be scientists
Scientist that happen to be scientists? You sir, have an amazing grasp of the obvious.
It's sort of like a religion
How so? Religions have "beliefs" and "dogma", evolution use facts, evidence, and observations. No one who actually understands evolutionary theory and the scientifice method "belives" in evolution, they accept it as the theory with the most evidentiary support.
Christianity is not a science
No it certainly is not.
but it tells pretty much the same thing as Evolution. Different stories, same topic
No, they don't, not even close, A fact which you would painfully be aware of if you had ever bothered to actually research evolutionary theory.
*The ToE makes no claims pertaining to the origins of the universe, the stars, the planets, or the origins of life, Religion does.
*It makes no claims about an afterlife, Religion does.
*It makes no appeals to miracles, religion does.
*It makes no claims whatsoever of anything supernatural, Religion does.
*It makes no claims about morality, either good or bad, Religion does.
*It makes no specific claims about historical events or personages, Religion does.
*It offers neither eternal life, eternal punishment, nor divine justice, Religion does.
*It hands down no commandments and posseses no tenets, Religion does.
*It doesn't demand that people accept it as the one and only source for everything, Religion most certainly does.
*It makes no claims of prophecy, Religion not only does, but it often bases it entire existence on vauge and various interpretations of those aforementioned prophocies.
The reason that evolutionary theory makes no of those claims is because such matters are wholly outside the purview of evolution. Evolution is a scientific theory meant only to explain the mechanisms behind the observed changes in species over generations, it is not a worldview and screaming "YES IT IS! over and over again is never going to change that.
Science and religion should not be made equal.
I wholly agree. Science is based in facts, observation, and evidence while religion is based based on often contradictory claims that "magic man did this" and "magic man did that". They are clearly not on equal footing.