catholicguy #fundie
But that's just the point, see. Science isn't based on personal experience. That's where your reasoning is at fault.
So the theory of macro-evolution wasn't based on the personal experiences of Charles Darwin (combined with a rigged publish/peer review process)?
The reason science will never get past seeing THIS [miracles] as personal experience is because it doesn't have the tools to study, replicate, corroborate it. That isn't my fault or any fault in my reasoning. It is a shortcoming of science.
If there is good evidence for the supernatural, science will gladly investigate, but it will not investigate simply because of mere stories.
Science HAS investigated it. The point is that science cannot, and will not, meet "pseudoscience" on a level playing field just yet. Even if it wanted to, stumbling blocks exist in the form of a rigged publication/peer review system and the almighty dollar. The upshot is that atheists gleefully slip through the toll gates without paying a penny. Yeah, that does annoy me, especially when they rub salt into the wound with arrogant condescending behaviour, trying to learn those silly theists a lesson. But I take pleasure in this, that every time I talk to an atheist it really does feel like I'm talking to a dead man walking. It's just a matter of time. Did I say that out loud?