W. F. Price #fundie the-spearhead.com
In Shannon County, women make $1.11 for every dollar men make, which must mean it’s a great place to be a woman, right?
Well, if you consider utter despair, third world living conditions, pervasive substance abuse, a woefully short average lifespan of 48 years for men (!) and 52 for women, infant mortality 5 times the national average and 80% unemployment to be tolerable, maybe so—
Surely, it must be a better place than Stamford, Connecticut, where the poor women suffer from the surfeit of rich, healthy, employed and comfortable men in their community.
I have yet to see feminists explain why the places with the highest income disparity between men and women are characterized by wealth, comfort and health, whereas those places where the women outearn men are invariably dumps inhabited only by those too hapless and defeated to leave.
Do feminists want the US to be more lke Pine Ridge in general, or more like Stamford? I’m not sure they can answer that question, because they have neither the knowledge nor inclination. All they care about is that they, personally, aren’t making as much as that guy in a suit they see at the local café. As for the rest of us, it doesn’t matter.
This is why nobody with any sense should listen to feminists when it comes to policy that affects our communities, cities, states and countries. They are worse than useless; they are selfish, destructive people.
Finally, I’d like to suggest something that could dramatically improve the lives of the Lakota Sioux in Pine Ridge: take some of those federal grants for women that go to employ upper middle class female college grads and allocate the funds to jobs for men in Pine Ridge. Surely, feminists can’t object to that, can they?