However, there is no evidence for evolution (most scientists agree its an outdated and erroneous theory and will tell you as much in private, but not in public), so he [Kent Hovind] won't be paying the $250M to anyone anyway.
Szaleniec, to be fair, they probably hide when they see him coming. If you were a scientist in his neighbourhood, wouldn't you?
However, there is no evidence for creation (most Christians agree it's an outdated and erroneous theory and will tell you as much in private, but not in public), so Kent Hovind will most certainly pay the $250M.
Fixed it for you...
99.9% of all scientists would like a word with you. In private, please.
Why don't these fucktards get it? If evolution really was "outdated and erroneous" the first group to abandon it would be the scientists. They would support whatever theory came along that better explained the evidence. That will not happen with evolution however, IMO.
You see that is the difference between scientists and theologians. If evidence comes along that contradicts theory, the scientist throws out the the theory, the theologian throws out the evidence.
What a sad state you people live in in thinking that all learning stopped 2000 years ago. I would feel pity for you if you weren't trying to force everyone else to feel the same way.
Also, you are a douchebag.
However, Kent Hovind is a damn cheat (most people realize he cheated on his taxes and will tell you they know, but fundies sure as hell don't and won't), so he [Kent Hovind] won't be paying the $250M to anyone anyway.
Kent Hovind moved the goalposts before anyone could challenge it so the reason it's impossible is that much of the criteria is BS that has nothing to do with evolution. Stop following this lying, despicable, crackpot crook and think for yourself.
“most scientists agree its an outdated and erroneous theory and will tell you as much in private, but not in public”
Which means as they continue to ‘research’ the failed theory, they have to have some sort of central clearing authority for new facts. If it’s real science, you don’t need that, you just publish whatever you find.
If it’s false, it still has to fit together, so we can’t have someone saying spines developed at time X, while another publishes they developed at time Y. The necessary conspiracy would be HUGE.
And not just evolution, they also need to index everything to the strata and time it’s supposed to have occurred. So they need to be sure no one publishes a dragonfly they found in Nevada at a time someone else says the entire state was under an inland ocean.
And all the aging techniques need to dovetail. Can’t use ice cores that don’t agree with the radioactive decay that differs from the geologic column that disputes the index fossils.
The conspiracy would be TREMENDOUS. And every single motherfucker involved has kept their mouth shut through three centuries? Do humans EVER protect secrets that well?
As lies go, this one’s pretty fucking stupid.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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