atheists are trying to make abortion normal every day
and homosexuality is evil read the bible being a homophobe is a good thing
and homosexuality is evil read the bible being a homophobe is a good thing
Whereas human compassion says that groundless hatred isn't good. Sorry, but when it comes between an archaic book of xenophobic shepherds or my own sense of right or wrong, I'll go with my own ideals.
I'm not pro abortion. If every clinic closed down tomorrow due to lack of patients, I would be overjoyed. Until the underlying social and medical problems that lead a woman to choose abortion are addressed and solved, this is not going to be a reality. As long as any woman anywhere is in a situation where She has decided abortion is her only course of action, I'm not going to pretend that I know what is best for her. This is why I am pro choice.
Not to long ago, slavery was justified by scripture. Now that it is unacceptable, the newer printings of the bible say servant instead of slave. When homophobic bickering dies down and it is becomes equally unacceptable, expect your friendly bible to replace passages with "temple prostitute."
hm, funny thing. i read the bible. guess what i found?
matthew 22:37-41 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
start loving yourself today and love your neighbor tomorow...
and about making abortion normal every day: well, in a perfect world, there would not be the need for abortion. do we live in such a world?
"atheists are trying to make abortion normal every day"
Dude, it's true. That's why us pro-choice atheists are the ones supporting comprehensive sex education and better access to contraception so that women never have unwanted pregnancies in the first place.
Abortions are TOTALLY treated like they're normal by society. It's not like people are standing outside of clinics screaming at women, or setting up fake clinics to trick women out of getting abortions, or bombing the real clinics, or shooting the doctors in their own homes or anything!
"I'm an atheist who is opposed to abortion... Sure I'm unusual, but I've met others like me." -Copache
Proving that you don't need God to tell you to try to impose your will on other people's private lives or fight to force women to remain pregnant and give birth against their will!
Good job.
Well, to give Copache the benefit of the doubt, I'm an atheist who's anti-abortion but pro-choice. That is, I'd encourage women to put any baby up for adoption rather than abort it ... but I realize that's just my preferred choice, and ultimately each woman must decide for herself. (I'd also prefer that women all precautions if they're sexually active, to drastically cut down the chance they'd have to make that choice at all.)
Oh man, I just got linked to this and I am laughing my ass off.
Guys, this post was meant to make fun of people with this mind set. I am an atheist myself with very socially liberal views.
Sure, it's a Poe, but...
Abortions are not "normal", and neither are they an atheist thing. It's the lesser of two evils, a last resort.
Homosexuality is normal and natural. Being a homophobe is hateful and unrealistic; it's like hating people for being tall.
Didn't Jesus say "Love thy neighbor as yourself"?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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