Note how the forging bgot is pretending that jews are an "innocent
group". Nothing could be further from the truth. Jews have been
responsible for the spread of commumnism, pornography & abortion,
amongst other things.
If they are responsible for the spread of comunism, why were Jewish expelled to Russia and sent to Israel?. And if they're responsible for pornography and abortion, why wasn't abortion and pornography legal in Israel before in the States?
Looks like the bigot is you, Susan.
Screaming "zomg Jewish conspiracy!!1" doesn't help your case.
It's hard not to insert a Godwin here; I mean, she practically writes it herself.
You ain't nuttin; but a Jew-hatin', Jew-baitin' Nazi. When are where are you going to set up your concentration camps and ovens? Germany should still have the recipe for Zyklon B gas somewhere in the archives, if Americans didn't confiscate it.
It may have escaped your notice that all of the people who set up your religion were Jews: Jesus, Peter and the rest of the Apostles, Stephen Proto-Martyr, Paul (really Saul) and lots and lots more, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathaea. And then all those holy women, all the Marys, Joannas, Josets etc. You won't have much fundie religion left if you throw that lot in the ovens, will you, Jew-hater!
Jews have also been responsible for the spread of neoconservatism, but so have non-Jews in the case of both that and every other thing you have mentioned, and there's no shortage of Jews who oppose all of the above. There were Jews on both sides of the American slavery debate. What's your point?
Jews have also been responsible for the spread of literacy, cash economies, bagels, and hot pastrami. I certainly wouldn't think modern life, in all its infinite variety, possible or even desirable without any of those, especially #4.
Hey, that's nothing. They're also responsible for NASCAR, pro wrestling, the Ice Capades and the heartbreak of psoriasis. However, based on pastrami on rye with mustard, they are forgive.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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