[Fundies have been discussing the recent transgender student bill signed into law in California.]
Ah, my home state continues its downhill drive towards the cliff.
I'm pretty sure that when Christianity becomes illegal someday, it'll happen here in California first.
> Transgender students finally get some rights they should always have had
Must be horrible when even the simple existence of something like change makes you fear for your freedumbs.
>> when Christianity becomes illegal someday, it'll happen here in California first. <<
I'd buy that for a dollar!
Let me get this right... treating everyone equally and with respect is so utterly anti-Christian that you're sure it'll lead to Christianity being made illegal?
You're not making a good case for yourself there...
I'm pretty sure that when Christianity becomes illegal someday, it'll happen here in California first.
I don't see how this bill would beget the criminalization of Christianity.
Someone has little confidence in the constitution of the US.
OTOH, if Christianity does manage to make itself so hateful and obnoxious, perhaps... Just perhaps...
Nice thought to dwell on. It might be the saving of America from itself.
What does it say for your religious views that the illegality of ostracizing, physically and mentally tormenting, and otherwise unconstitutionally interfering in the lives of others for bullshit reasons makes you fear for the right to practice the other parts of your faith?
It says to me that agressively forcing others to adhere to your world view and savagely punishing anyone who doesn't fit your mould are the only parts of religion that matter to you.
Fear not for unlike you the rest of us know that the seperation of church and state means that just as the government can't endorse or enact aspects of a religion into law they cannot restrict the practice of a religion unless said practice violates the rights and legal protections of others. I mean, shit, they didn't shut down Scientology and it launched an actual attack on the CIA, destroying all records of investigations into their activities.
I'm pretty sure that when Christianity becomes illegal someday
Getting rid of you fundies is a nice little fantasy, but it's not going to happen. The first amendment actually protects you and your bigotry.
And your right to be complete assholes...
Ah, my home state continues its downhill drive towards the cliff.
OMG - us small, weird-ass, hate-filled, peck-sniffing, judgmental "Christians" can't piss on people we don't like - it's the end of us "Real Christians"®.
But Xotan, they've never had faith in the U.S. Constitution. They haven't read it, for one thing; and their impression of it derives from David Barton and Pat Robertson. In any case, no matter how much they talk about the holiness and infallibility of the Constitution, they treat it much like the Bible: only caring about the parts they can cherry-pick to bash others.
Yes, yes, we know- you're sad that your team is losing the fight against love and tolerance.
Wait, I seem to recall some long-haired Jewish hippie saying something about that...
Photoss, your religion is not in danger of being illegal.
First, there's the Establishment Clause.
Second, being a bigot is not an official part of the Christian article of faith, you nincompoop. Read the "Apostles Creed". Sheesh!
Christianity, orthodox/exoteric form, anyway, is about believing in an Avatar of Deity who who came to teach kindness, love, charity, compassion & to die on the cross for the vicarious atonement/forgiveness of the world's sins/faults/bad karma/etc. Anti-LGBT jazz does not enter the picture!
You can still be a devout Christian & not be anti-LGBT (even if the Bible spoke against it, it's not a big whoopie-doodle in the big scheme of things & those verses were poorly translated anyway...they're decrying forced temple prostitution & pederasty, not homo/bisexuality)! You can be a devout Christian and still be pro-choice (since the Bible's pretty silent on the abortion thing) & believe in evolution & a billions-of-years old Earth! You can still be a devout Christian and be a die-hard Socialist! GAWD! THE STUPID! IT BUUUUURRRNNNSSSS!
"I'm pretty sure that when Christianity becomes illegal someday, it'll happen here in California first."
Not going to happen, now get out of my state you ignorant twat.
While it is one of my fondest dreams that the blight that is called christianity be deemed illegal and fall completely out of practice, there is no reason to believe this will ever be so. Your paranoid persecution fantasy will never progress beyond the 'imaginative' phase.
You enjoy an 85% majority in the US and have covered most of the earth. If you are that dedicated to the cause of being persecuted, you will have to move to the Middle East to satisfy that particular disorder . No longer being able to direct everything in this country based upon your religious proclivities is not persecution, you silly cunt.
Strangely enough, Christianity has only been made illegal in fundamentalist religious countries.
In countries with strong human rights (as in equal rights for transgender people), all religions are equally protected and legal.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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