Tlara #fundie
The only inconsistency is when it isnt understood properly, misinterperted, misapplied, and down right disreguarded. How many books are available from that time period? If the Bible is not the word of God, how has it survived the numerous attempts to destroy it? Everytime arceologists dig up a piece of stone with writing on it, it proves the Bible accurate, and this info is from the doubters themselves. Right down to the dates! They have even found the location where Moses and the Isrealites crossed the Red Sea, with proof of Egyptian chariots, horses & human skeletons RIGHT where the Bible said it happened!!! The Bible tells you of the many rulers of Israel and Judah, including the stupid stuff they did. How many historical documents from any other nation show their rulers faults??
There is scientific proof of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho, Babylon, Jeruslem...proof of the plagues that hit Egypt even in their own hyroglyphics. The Bible fortold how and who would destroy Babylon, over 400 years before it happened. Many prophecies pointed to the coming of Jesus..again right as it was fortold. If you wish to get into the many prophecies that pointed to them I most certainly would be glad to do so.